
[FONT=&quot]I am totally new to all of this. I have been working for the DOD for three years and putting money in the TSP for probably 2 years. All of this really interests me but I dont have a clue what I am doing. Does anyone have some advice of what to read for a total newbie to the financial and economy world to get started? I am really excited about the money I have made just in the past couple of years and I have 30 years to make my fortune. I want to start working on this now so I can be a millionaire when I leave.:D[/FONT]

Thanks in advance!
Welcome Chongo!

Are you interested in trading, investing - in stocks, mutual funds, or are we just talking TSP? There are several books out there - but what do you think you would be most comfortable pursuing?

Good luck!
Well I have a mutual fund I am about to sell but mainly it will just be TSP for right now. I want to learn about it all though.
A couple of good, basic, easy read books on investing are:

Reminiscenses of a Stock Operator by Edwin Lefevre and
How I made $2,000,000 in the Stock Market by Nicolas Darvas

They are both basically biographies of successful investors, rather than dry how to books. Market Wizards is also a fun read about successful investors / traders.

After that you can go to books like, How to Make Money in Stocks, by William O'Neil and Methods of a Wall Street Master by Trader Vic.

We have a Recommended Reading thread here ...

Good luck!