How to Make a TSP Transfer


Staff member
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Interfund transfers are fast and easy.
  • Go to the [url][/url] website and click on "Account Access"

  • Click on "Account Transactions"

  • Enter your SSN and PIN **

  • Click on "Interfund Transfers"

  • Your current allocation is shown. Click on "Request interfund transfer"

  • Enter your new allocation (make sure it adds up to 100%) and submit

  • Click OK to confirm
Its that easy. Depending on your internet connection, it should take less than a minute once you've done it a couple of times.

** If don't have a PIN or have forgotten it, you can request one online on the SSN / PIN page mentioned above.

IMPORTANT: If you want to make a fund transfer, the deadline each day is 12 noon EST. If you complete the transaction before noon EST your new allocation will begin the next morning. If you miss the 12 noon EST deadline your money will be moved the following day. To have a transaction effective on a Monday, you must meet the deadline on Friday at noon.
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"deadlilne to make an fund tranfer is 12 noon est "

what aboutCT time ? 10:00 AM OR 11:00 AM ?

I do before 10:00am centertime but a like to be

shure is I have one more hour to play,May be a difference !

Thanks Tom and all people in this great forums !

I'll be here everydays .
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Transfer deadlines:

12:00 noon Eastern
11:00 AM Central
10:00 AM Mountain
9:00 AM Pacific
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I feel this 12 noon EST deadline is too restrictive. My question is...if mutual funds can take transfers/exchanges/buys/sells up until the market closing of 4PM EST (to be effective that day), why can't the TSP funds? BTW, I've asked TSP customer service about this and they have no idea what I'm talking about:X

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I concur. Why 12:00? The only reasons I can think of are, it may slow down the day trading efforts, andwith over 3 million members, perhaps their daily record processing takes much longer than a mutual funds'.

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I think you are right. I just don't understand how mutual funds can build systems to handle this type of traffic and the TSP can't. We waited sooooo long to get this "updated" system and it seems to be lacking many features (IE last transaction details, able to make ajustments anytime before 4PM and the list goes on). Oh well....:cool:

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When I make an interfund transfer, how do I determine the price one fund's shares were sold for and the price paid for the other fund's shares? I imagine TSP might tell you this when the transaction is completed, but I'm curious in case they don't.
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Check the closing shareprices of the funds on the last day of your old allocation. that will be the selling and buying price.

So, assuming you made a transfer before the deadline on May 7th, go to...

at about 8:00 PM that night and the May 7th share prices will be updated.

Thanks for joining us by the way.
