How much money in 401K in 50s?


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How much money Americans in their 50s have in their 401(k)s

The median 401(k) account balance for Americans in their 50s is $60,900 as of the last quarter of 2023, per Fidelity data provided to CNBC Make It. The average account balance is $199,500, but a few larger account balances can skew the average to be higher.

Here’s how much Americans have in their 401(k)s by age as of the fourth quarter of 2023, according to Fidelity.

Median 401(k) balances for Americans in their 50s
Most of them will have to work until 70. An additional 15-20 years of hopefully maxing retirement savings will help those numbers, but working full time past the age of 60 it better be something you really love.

Social Security is the only lifeline many people depend on in retirement. I don't see how it can ever go away.