how do you lose when your fund is green - educate me please

Ok, this has happened to me before and I have never understood it. Today, the DJIA in the green (up) by 52.12 points. Last week I moved 100% to the S fund thoroughly expecting it to be green today and it was just as I expected, however, in looking at the share prices for today, the S fund is down by almost 19 cents a share. How can that be. Do I have someone over at syphoning off my gain. What's going on.

Ok, this has happened to me before and I have never understood it. Today, the DJIA in the green (up) by 52.12 points. Last week I moved 100% to the S fund thoroughly expecting it to be green today and it was just as I expected, however, in looking at the share prices for today, the S fund is down by almost 19 cents a share. How can that be. Do I have someone over at syphoning off my gain. What's going on.

S fund is dwcpf. It's the completion index.
Never heard of this before (again my knowledge of Market terms is showing), but looked it up and will watch this report instead of FOXNEWS finance reports. Thanks