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Hi all. I'm 23 yrs old, active duty AF. I finally opened up an IRA last month after procrastinating for a couple years (wish I did it sooner). I'm in the Vanguard 2045 fund. Right now it's like 89% equity, 11% bond. My question is, I've had money going to a TSP account for a few years now. When I opend it up, I didn't know much about about savings or investing, basically just wanted to do SOMETHING for my future. I put it all in the 'C' fund (not sure if this was a smart move or not, like I said, I didn't know much about money management, heck, I still don't
So now that I've got an IRA, I'm wondering what I should be doing with my TSP. I've currently got a little under $4,000 in it. Should I transfer it to another fund, or distribute it like you guys do? I'm open to suggestions.
Hi all. I'm 23 yrs old, active duty AF. I finally opened up an IRA last month after procrastinating for a couple years (wish I did it sooner). I'm in the Vanguard 2045 fund. Right now it's like 89% equity, 11% bond. My question is, I've had money going to a TSP account for a few years now. When I opend it up, I didn't know much about about savings or investing, basically just wanted to do SOMETHING for my future. I put it all in the 'C' fund (not sure if this was a smart move or not, like I said, I didn't know much about money management, heck, I still don't
