Haiti Earthquake: I Set Up a Fundraiser

The US donations to organizations after the Indonesia earthquake/tsunami:
In the two months since the disaster, U.S. tsunami donations alone have topped $1 billion in relief
And that was just those first two months, & just the US - And on top of that were the church groups that gave enormous amounts through their own organizations....and this was to a `closed to anything other than Muslim' country. Religious givings/help had a hard time getting past the government & into the areas that so desperately needed the help.

I fully expect the Haiti donations from the US to greatly exceed that for several reasons.
-Haiti is much closer in distance; as physical damages are repaired, the influx of the heavy stuff will swarm in; the corporate part of America will be there. The military Rapid Rsponse is working.
-Our military families will deonate what they are able , those are their people down there working.
-Haiti has multiple numbers of churches Already there, with the missionairies & personnel already in place. (so far I have heard of none of the area missions losing staff, homes yes)
These missionaries have family & friends and their home churches to generate increased support. The Missions themselves are supported by many other churches besides their home church, so they will be giving thru the missionaries home churches.
Several of the churches here in NWARK have had missions there for years - whole families living there.

And everyone of you MBers know of other personal contributions-

If you hear anyone complain things aren't moving fast enough, ask them how their experience could help get the cement walls moved, the landing strips ready for aircraft, and for them to get on the ballot next election so they can get things going. To say, that at least here, there isn't the red tape to get things moving doesn't cut it, cuz there is no red tape cuz many of those who would be responsible are among the dead & wounded.
A prayer goes to the Governor, that she will have the mental, physical strength, wisdom & discernment to keep things moving as well as possible.
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thanks Tom, MercyCorps is well known in the NW as a good organization. I'd be donating through them, but I've been supporting another NW charity (Medical Teams International) for over 20 years now-highest ratings from CharityNavigator and MinistryWatch for many years; 4% overhead. They got a highly experienced volunteer medical/disaster relief field team to Haiti as of yesterday.

Thanks for doing this, and I'm glad that Mercy Corps is active in this. There are also other charities that collect, including Samaritan's Purse, Catholic Relief Services and the American Red Cross.

However people want to donate, I'm sure the people of Haiti appreciate everyone's efforts now.


Staff member
I set up a fundraiser with MercyCorp in our name for us to try to raise money for the victims.

Please click on the image to go to their page. Thanks!

I saw Amazon.com was using the same group so I assume it is all good.

MercyCorp says, "Over the last five years, we've allocated more than 89% of our resources directly to programs. America's premier charity evaluator gives Mercy Corps four stars in organizational efficiency."