Guess Who This Is...

​So this is kind of a goofy one I thought of. I do remember watching this. I suspect Valkyrie would probably get this.
It's like a B-List Lost in Space. Same sort of thing with a different twist. Pretty cool for back then and a good concept.
You don't have to name the Cast (you can if you want to), but just name the show........ Good Luck.


I've got a wild guess from a 1985 show that lasted 8 episodes.

So many crazy sci-fi shows from the 60's, 70's and 80's. Some good some really bad. :banana:
​This ran for 1.5 years and since I remember it, it may have been in reruns when I saw it. I really don't know. I was really super young when it originally aired. It originally ran for 2 seasons with 51 episodes. THERE, that should give it away. LOL
A couple more quick clues that might help.......
One of the actors in this show also had a guest appearance on the original Star Trek.

And THIS thing.... :laugh:


Land of the Giants.

Yes Sir, right on the money !!!!! :fing02:
I don't even know why that show popped into my head, but I thought it would be interesting. I was still in single digit age when it originally aired, so I'm surprised I remembered it.
Nice work !

:lmao:This is so cheezy ....... :lmao:

zx3.jpg zx4.jpg

name of TV show

yes you got it.
Mission Impossible when it was real and believable and didn't break the laws of physics.
they were actually married to each other, have 2 daughters who are in the industry, they divorced later on. she is still alive.