Guess Who This Is...

That's "THE ROCK" running alongside three little girls and two little boys. Kindergarten stuff you know. Looky The ROCK is holding that little boys hand less he trips and falls. :laugh:

not holding hands, both have closed fists. angle of view makes it look that way, like the boarder patrol whipping an illegal invader.
Alright people .................... Lets try and stay on track here.......:22:

Anybody ......... Anyone at all ........ Just blurt it out ..... You can do it ....... I know you got it in ya ...... go back and read the hints and put 2 and 2 together........ Step right up and don't be shy ......

Who is she ? ? ? ? ? ?

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hint, search "Blue Zone Girl"
Okay, here's one for the weekend...... It's another \m/ \m/
Guitar Player that looks like (in this recent pic) another guitar player, but isn't.
This is the only pic I've found of him looking like this. I wish I had more to show


Who's this . . . . .


I'll leave these up for a while longer in case anyone wants to take a shot at it since it got buried 3 pages back......
The guitar player dude is pretty well known. 80's band.
The girl is also music related but more obscure (part of a rap duo). They (the rap duo) also starred in a movie. Google the clue.

I'm drawing a blank on the guitar guy, so that's was a good one!

The girl, I don't think I know, even if you told me. Maybe I'm wrong, which would be another good one. I even searched a bit and found nothing.
Ahhh..... That is Melanie Griffith. She was with Don Johnson, but then moved on to Antonio Banderas (SP?). Haven't seen anything on her in ages.....

Here's a clue on the guitar player dude..........80's band.

whoP.jpg .....He's NOT this guy (Zakk Wylde)..... Zakk.jpg

His last name is this car >>>>> CLU.jpg
Off the top of my head, I have no clue. The only drummer I know that looks similar (used to) is Bun E. Carlos from Cheap Trick....
If I research it I bet I could find out though.
I'm thinking maybe someone from a band like Sublime or something like that. One of those style bands.... I don't know.:o

Off the top of my head, I have no clue. The only drummer I know that looks similar (used to) is Bun E. Carlos from Cheap Trick....
If I research it I bet I could find out though.
I'm thinking maybe someone from a band like Sublime or something like that. One of those style bands.... I don't know.:o

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he is not a drummer but acted as one.