GOP attack FERS

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Looks like valid and usefull info that fits into the forum title to me.........?

I sure like it better than the latest celebrity update threads/posts.

National Enquirer on TSP.COM :cheesy:
&@#%^#@^ Republicians!

%#$@^& Democrats!

Ok kill it. :D

Except for the kill it part I completly agree.

Neither party as I see it is deserving of my or any of our precious votes. I plan to tell them that in Nov 2012.

What we got now ain't a workin and hasn't for some time, so it's time for a change as I see it.
OK, some of you aren't catching on. This thread is NOT about politics. It's a hot topic that will likely stir up polical partisan opinions, but that's why we have

If you want to talk retirement plan cost cutting, FERS, etc., without bringing up why you hate this or that political party - go for it. So far attempts have not been successful. ;)

(But I'm with you :D)
I'll give it shot to stay on topic.

Let's say that they drop FERS but don't stop the contribution part. Which would you rather have:

an additional 1.3% of your pay deposited into your TSP on top of everything they already give us
the current FERS retirement

Seems like it would be pretty close to me (although I still use 10% for stock market returns, which may be optimistic).
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