The GS pay system is long overdue for an overhaul. Pay-for-performance vs. being rewarded with automatic step increases based on the number of years an employee is employed.
Why does CSRS continue to get COLAs when FERS has their’s eliminated? Especially in light of the fact FERS funds are being used to fund the unfunded CSRS liability. FERS was a completely solvent “pre-funded” system. CSRS is a pay-as-you-go system which has never been fully funded.Bothe CSRS And FERS should be treated equally as it pertains to COLAs.
Does eliminating the FERS Supplement prior to age 62 encompass all employees? Does the proposal include special category employees (LEO, FF, ATC, etc.)? Not enough details as yet.
Reduce the number of federal employees through attrition? Fine by me. I worked in and around D.C. long enough to know there’s plenty of dead weight that can be eliminated without much impact to overall productivity.
If new employees go into federal employment knowing the benefits, their required contribution levels, and their rights to employment, then so be it. Take the job, or don’t. Try the private sector. Maybe you’ll fair better. I don’t like the idea of government employees being “at-will”, but the private sector is already there for the most part.
Pay freezes, or raises too small to even be noticeable, is nothing new.
Most of the proposals appear to be designed to bring the public sector more in line with the private sector.
Guess we’ll see where it goes.