GGal's Account Talk

Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

Okay, you got me. The ruse is up. I'm not a bleeding-heart liberal.

Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

I wish I had left earlier and gone on down into Florida a good ways.

I'm scared. I don't have any hatches.

Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

I don't either but I'll close the doors. Looks like a big one crossing Dothan, headed my way!:suspicious: :eek: Ahhh it will be OK, just get under tha table, it worked last time.
Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

You should be catchin' it about now. I'm east, WR Central GA central!:cool:
Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

There's a tornado warning south of here. We got hit pretty hard about a month ago. A family in our church lost the entire second floor of their house.

Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

OUCH, hate Tornadoes. Best of luck tonight, if it's gonna get Ya there's not much you can do but take care of yourself.
Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

where's the tornado? it's raining hard and windy.....the tv is out.....i'm 20 mi east of americus

Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

There's a tornado warning south of here. We got hit pretty hard about a month ago. A family in our church lost the entire second floor of their house.


Wow, they make 2nd story trailers these days? Just kidding.
Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

My first home as a young bride of 16 was a 55 foot single-wide, and it was indeed split level (stepped up into the kitchen)......complete with wharf-rats, no washer and dryer (did diapers in the sink), and screw-on legs on all the beds and furniture. I'm proud of my roots! Now here I sit in a home appraised at $500,000 on a nice lake with a boat in the boat-house. Those early lean days only inspired me to make chicken salad out of chicken $#@!

I'm a little tad worried about my 50% S money for tommorrow. (On another note.)

Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

Me too. I'm worried about my 25C & 25S.

BTW, I was not attacking your prized egg. I too think he is doing a great job. It's just in the past we have had a lot of people make claims to fame. I do believe his 11%. I was just trying to point a fact out to him.

Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

All is well. I am just a mother hen protecting her egg! He's kinda sensitive and I don't want to scare him away.

You're smart too and have a lot on the ball.....don't want to scare you away either!


Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

I hate to jump out of S at a loss, but I hate worse staying in for a bigger loss.

Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

Large Cap and Small Caps seem to be quietly but nervously selling to me, so here I still sit in the Monkey Bar.

Re: GeorgiaGal's Account Talk

I'm scared. I wanted to jump out today, but nobody blinked so here I still sit going into Thursday 80 I and 20 S.

I saw Swamp Puppy bailed.

I'm working out of town and it's hard to get to computer so I will probably post a move to G Thursday morning before leaving home.
