General Questions about the market


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Hi everyone. First off I just want to say this website has been very helpful too me. If i never would of found this web site I probably would of just kept 70% in g fund and the rest in C fund for the next 15 years. I decided to go with 10 in g, 40 in c, 40 in s, and 20 in I. I really wont be making a lot of transfers so I decided this would be my best bet after reading some post. My big question I have is how can I become a better investor? I want to do more then the TSP but have no idea where to start. Also I was wondering if there was any college degree or what not that would maybe help me understand it. I am currently a security forces member in the air force but I have found a great interest in economics while taking some classes. I was wondering if any of you could tell me if this would be a step in the right direction? Thanks again for all the help and all the great tips. :cool:

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My question is...

Where everybody is putting his allocation.

{not the money u already have in tsp,I talking about

the new money from u check to the tsp]
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Hi dwilson -
Your new allocation sounds like a solid, aggressive one. Your old allocation probably served you well during the bear market of 2000-2002, but the bull is back and anyone with 15 years to invest should be more exposed to stocks as you are now.

As far as learning to invest, just watching the markets regularly will teach you a ton. College courses will teach you the nuts and bolts but there’s nothing like experience, especially bad experiences, to really show you the ropes.

A few books I would recommend:
For investing, anything by Peter Lynch, Warren Buffet or Benjamin Graham is a good place to start.

For a shorter term outlook and trading, try Alexander Elder and William O’Neil.

Of course there are many more but after you read some of their books, you will have a better idea of what type of investor you will want to be.

I am no expert, but if you have any questions, post them here and we’ll try to get you an answer. There are a lot of bright people reading these boards.

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Where everybody is putting his allocation.

{not the money u already have in tsp,I talking about

the new money from u check to the tsp]

PR -
I actually have my contributionsgoing to 50% C, 50% S and have for years. I rarely change this because it gets moved every time I do an interfund transfer (which has been about daily lately :)). So this contibution is almost meaningless to me.

The only time I would consider changing this if i were to stay in one particular fund for an extended period of time, in which case I would want my contribution to match my allocation.

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Being an old dude, and on the conservative side, I let the contribs go to the G fund. Then I can move it to C, S and/or I when it feels right. Can't stand having a loss coming out of the gate.

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My new money allocation go to [C]100%

Like Tom said,The C fund money it's moved

whe I do a transfer "about twice a week"