G Fund

So, will it be next Tu then? Thanks,

My calcs have it a definite for next Tuesday (10/30) and a probable for the following Tuesday (11/6), but again, with an outside shot of paying on Monday (11/5). Of course, the calcs for November assume the current 4.5% rate and are subject to change.
The days of timing the penny may be limited. They are on to us. I've been timing some moves but not publishing them because of this possibility. I figured this would happen sooner or later. See the excerpt from the TSP board minutes below.
View attachment 2387
The days of timing the penny may be limited. They are on to us. I've been timing some moves but not publishing them because of this possibility. I figured this would happen sooner or later. See the excerpt from the TSP board minutes below.
View attachment 2387
The plus-side to this is that there will never again be a day when none of our fund choices gain!
Question for all you high speed TSP managers. I just returned from Iraq and rode the I-fund for the entire year and then shifted 100% to G fund a couple weeks ago just before returning...

Since then the G fund has earned three cents--but the profit in my TSP account still shows my original balance when I transfered 100% to the G fund. When I was 100% I fund, every time if the I fund share price increased--it reflected the profit hte next day. My question is; when is the G-fund profit adjusted accordingly? Bi-monthly? Monthly? Quarterly? Annually? Any help here on this one would be great. Thanks in advance.

CPT Shane
I can only speculate that upon doing an IFT, the I-Fund may have seen a
loss which drove your balance down. When checking the G-Fund, the fund
went up a penny every 4 - 5 days. Thus returning your balance back to
the original balance you previously saw. In short, the G-Penny pays every
4-5 days (rarely 3 days). The TSP share prices can be seen and followed
at the TSP web site. The share prices tend to be updated between 7:30 -
9:00pm EST. Hope this answers your question.
Question for all you high speed TSP managers. I just returned from Iraq and rode the I-fund for the entire year and then shifted 100% to G fund a couple weeks ago just before returning...

Since then the G fund has earned three cents--but the profit in my TSP account still shows my original balance when I transfered 100% to the G fund. When I was 100% I fund, every time if the I fund share price increased--it reflected the profit hte next day. My question is; when is the G-fund profit adjusted accordingly? Bi-monthly? Monthly? Quarterly? Annually? Any help here on this one would be great. Thanks in advance.

CPT Shane
You can check on the TSP website logging in to perform transactions, then using the account balance section to check backward, day-by-day, to see if what squalebear suggested is the case.
You can check on the TSP website logging in to perform transactions, then using the account balance section to check backward, day-by-day, to see if what squalebear suggested is the case.

Thanks qibovin, I always write novels when a few words will do just fine.
I was hoping CPT didn't do a Contribution Allocation change by accident.
I made that mistake once and thought I did an IFT. To my surprise, my
money remained in the I-Fund and I saw a loss when I thought the Lilly
Pad had my money. Again, TSP.GOV will give him all the answers with a
little reading and research.
Hi gang,

Happy Halloween!

I'm tracking when the 1 penny aqdjustments are made (approximate)--but my question is--is that is doesn't reflect in my balance UNLESS when I use the TSP menu option that allows me to go back to a particular day to see what my balance was on that day is not working correctly.

I show the number of shares and the same balance as I did two weeks ago--and the G fund has adjusted .03 cents since and I still have the same balance. I was wondering why no increase in my is reflected in my balance. When a positive gain was made in the I-fund when I was 100% I fund--the profit was reflected the next day (as well as the losses). Does that help clarify my question? Thanks guys.
Hi gang,

Happy Halloween!

I'm tracking when the 1 penny aqdjustments are made (approximate)--but my question is--is that is doesn't reflect in my balance UNLESS when I use the TSP menu option that allows me to go back to a particular day to see what my balance was on that day is not working correctly.

I show the number of shares and the same balance as I did two weeks ago--and the G fund has adjusted .03 cents since and I still have the same balance. I was wondering why no increase in my is reflected in my balance. When a positive gain was made in the I-fund when I was 100% I fund--the profit was reflected the next day (as well as the losses). Does that help clarify my question? Thanks guys.

I know this is a a dumb question to start, but I gotta ask it anyway-

Have you hit the "refresh" button on your browser?

Now- that said- are you absolutely sure the number of shares and the fund balance are the same, going back for a period longer than the penny payout?

If you- you have a problem, and you need to get the printout from the day after you transferred into "G", and the most recent day (like today), and verify both say the same number of shares and the same fund balance.

I have heard of at least one case, about six months ago, where a person's account had somehow locked up in the TSP computer. ONLY their account.

They called the help line, which, by way, did NOT help them the first two or three times they called.

ON about the third try, they talked again to the same person that they tried to explain it to a few days before, and sure enough, something WAS in error in their account.

I remember it took about two weeks to get the software contractor to verify the problem, and make the correction for that one person's account. I don't remember what the reason was, but I think what they eventually had to do was to manually delete their account, add it back in, and make a dollar correction for the error. Again, this is all foggy to me know, but I think there was a hardware disk error in his hardware server disk, that caused his account to "hang" and not process correctly. I only heard of anything remotely similar to your issue that one time.

In about two years on these boards, I've only heard of that one person having that kind of weird problem. Yours sounds not too far different than the person first reported theres with a similar question.

LESSON LEARNED IS TO CHECK YOUR ACCOUNTS- INCLUDING YOUR QUARTERLY STATEMENTS- because if you don't catch the error within the quarterly statement, TSP can claim no harm/no foul.

Pay attention to your account.

Good luck, and let us know what happens with yours.

Bottom line- if the penny pays, the next day's balance SHOULD CHANGE.

There is no reason for a "G" fund account to remain absolutely flat through three pennies worth of pay.

By the way-

Welcome home.
Trading limits are going to get annoying and interesting at the same time. The TSP website says, you can get 2 trades a calendar month, if the First or Second trades are into the G fund, it counts as one of the two trades.....so the scenario is if you trade at the beginning of the month is critical......

effectively, they have not only made it more difficult for anyone to invest by limitation or penalty-if you exceed 2 trades, they have made it more difficult for you to make any profitable return....it makes you wonder why they can't just charge you a transaction fee...or wonder if they actually want to consider that.

I rec'd the letter - in it it states you are allowed - two "account rebalancing" IFTs,
PLUS "unlimited IFTs to the G-Fund!"

I think its clear, in reading this, that its "allowing" us a possible maximum number of 5 IFTs in a month (for example, if the 1st and last IFTs were moves to all "G" - with the other 1 being in betweeen the two "account rebalances").

Most months though, would likely be 4 IFTs (or less) -depending on number needed, within their described "allowances" of course).:cool: