Hi gang,
Happy Halloween!
I'm tracking when the 1 penny aqdjustments are made (approximate)--but my question is--is that is doesn't reflect in my balance UNLESS when I use the TSP menu option that allows me to go back to a particular day to see what my balance was on that day is not working correctly.
I show the number of shares and the same balance as I did two weeks ago--and the G fund has adjusted .03 cents since and I still have the same balance. I was wondering why no increase in my is reflected in my balance. When a positive gain was made in the I-fund when I was 100% I fund--the profit was reflected the next day (as well as the losses). Does that help clarify my question? Thanks guys.
I know this is a a dumb question to start, but I gotta ask it anyway-
Have you hit the "refresh" button on your browser?
Now- that said- are you absolutely sure the number of shares and the fund balance are the same, going back for a period longer than the penny payout?
If you- you have a problem, and you need to get the printout from the day after you transferred into "G", and the most recent day (like today), and verify both say the same number of shares and the same fund balance.
I have heard of at least one case, about six months ago, where a person's account had somehow locked up in the TSP computer. ONLY their account.
They called the help line, which, by way, did NOT help them the first two or three times they called.
ON about the third try, they talked again to the same person that they tried to explain it to a few days before, and sure enough, something WAS in error in their account.
I remember it took about two weeks to get the software contractor to verify the problem, and make the correction for that one person's account. I don't remember what the reason was, but I think what they eventually had to do was to manually delete their account, add it back in, and make a dollar correction for the error. Again, this is all foggy to me know, but I think there was a hardware disk error in his hardware server disk, that caused his account to "hang" and not process correctly. I only heard of anything remotely similar to your issue that one time.
In about two years on these boards, I've only heard of that one person having that kind of weird problem. Yours sounds not too far different than the person first reported theres with a similar question.
LESSON LEARNED IS TO CHECK YOUR ACCOUNTS- INCLUDING YOUR QUARTERLY STATEMENTS- because if you don't catch the error within the quarterly statement, TSP can claim no harm/no foul.
Pay attention to your account.
Good luck, and let us know what happens with yours.
Bottom line- if the penny pays, the next day's balance SHOULD CHANGE.
There is no reason for a "G" fund account to remain absolutely flat through three pennies worth of pay.
By the way-
Welcome home.