May not lose any money (a good thing), question is just how much purchasing power will it provide. A dollar is not a dollar, the way the Fed Reserve has played the game for past 70+ years and continues to play today. Inflation is not a good or necessary thing. stable purchasing power is. If they maintained stable purchasing power of the dollar, a raise would actually mean something in terms of improving standard of living, instead Middle Merica is falling down the purchasing power curve on stagnant wages.
More than one way to achieve the same goal, increasing minimum wage does not address the core problem which is fed reserve manipulation that causes $ to lose purchasing power over time. instead hiking min wage means everyone else wants/needs a hike too. where's the money come from? take a dollar, cut it in 2, label each half a dollar. Now you have 2. that's inflation. more dollars to go around, just takes 2 dollars now to buy what one dollar used to buy, keep chasing the almighty dollar just to stay in place and not lose ground. duh. system is designed to keep everyone wanting more more more. where does it stop? nobody knows.