Fund Signals


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Found this here:

Seems like a simple tool- one made just for me- but the language they use to describe it throws me.

I need to know WHAT TO DO when the lights are certain colors... NOT what kind of trend or what sort of blip on a bell curve is going on. Example: If I see the GREEN LIGHT is Flashing under the I-Fund... does this mean I should transfer my money to the I-Fund.?


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I notice that this site has not been updating very often and that is why it shows a flat line as it has not updated in 2 weeks. The signals are supposed to tell you when to get in a fund or when to get out depending on the trend. It should be updated daily if your using it. For the last several months it has not gotten much attention. The signal is after the fact, and that is why if it is not updated daily don not follow it.
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I used to use this site to gauge momentum in the various funds. It seems to have cratered. I miss it.
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TSPmoney was good for following trends, but the site is sometimes not up dated like it use to be. A new member to this site was nice enough to share hisinvestment method at His siteshows trends using fund prices. Also instead of using atraffic signal for getting into or out of funds, heshares his ideas using his 5-10 moving day average rule; as well as methods for low, med and high risk investment.Aswith this site, make sure you read the disclaimer and invest wisely.