Fund Price Discrepancies


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Anyone out there besides me notice that the S-Fund increased .13 % yesterday and didn't go up the 2 cents it should have. C-Fund was only up .07 % and went up a penny......Do the math ! Not a significant error except for those of youwith big positions in the S-Fund. Am I missing something ?

Nick :%
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I thought that was a bit odd too. Like you said, the Wilshire 4500 was up .13%, and should have given us a couple pennies. I've been tracking these funds the past few months. The last time the Wilshire 4500 was up .13% was on Jan 27, which gave us a 2 cent gain.

Something is not right.

Any comments, Tom or anyone else???
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I was on my real time board at yesterdays close when several funds decreased in value .0x. Like something had gotten stuck. Don't know what it was. Am as curious as you are?
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Part of the problem may be that TSP share prices are only posted with two decimal places, so the real share price is fudged a little based on the Micro$oft Front Page user's interpretation.

Or, if Barclay's acutally reports only two decimal places, then the values may be compensated over time, fractions accumulating.

Or...the fractions of a penny times millions of shares could be ciphoned into some disgruntled Initech programmer's Swiss bank account. :D Yeaaaaaaahhh...ymmmm...that'd be greeeeeeaaaaaaat.
imported post

[suP]Interesting that the Wilshire 4500(DWCP)/S-Fund was up exactly the same amount as yesterday (.17%), and this time we got the +.02 increase in the share price we should have....go figure !?[/suP]

[suP]Maybe they've got that Dude from the UN-Iraqi Oil for Food Program doing the accounting for the TSP. Have attached a candid photo taken at the TSP National Datacenter in New Orleans:[/suP]