One more thing to consider:
Now that you seem to have the HR person in hand, you should consider the "honey" approach as well as having the vineger ready.
Here is the list of the Board of Directors, and the Manager, from the company's website:
FELPS Board of Trustees
Because FELPS has a Board of Trustees who make decisions that benefit the local communities, the utility can continue to serve the Wilson County area with a commodity that enhances all our lives. Current Board Members and their term expiration dates include:
Trustee - Mayor of Floresville
June, 2006 Ex-Officio
Trustee - City of Stockdale
January, 2006 December 31, 2009
Trustee - City of Floresville
January, 2007 December 31, 2010
Trustee - City of Poth January,
2004 December 31, 2007
Trustee - Rotating January,
2005 December 31, 2008
Advisory - City of La Vernia
January, 2006 December 31, 2009
Advisory - City of Falls City
January, 2004 December 31, 2007
Floresville Electric Light and Power System, a municipally owned electric distribution utility, located at 1400 4th street in Floresville, phone number (830) 216-7000, is a cornerstone of the community.
David K. McMillan is the General Manager.
His e-mail address is:
Here is where the honey comes in.
Contact the local newspapers:
The Floreceville Chronical Journal, 1433 Third Street, Floresville, Texas 78114
phone 830 393-2111. Ask to speak with reporter Kristen Flores.
And also the Wilson County News- 1012 C St • Floresville, TX 78114
Phone: 830-216-4519
Ask to speak with Victoria Dixon.
Tell Kristen, and Victoria, seperately, that you would like them to run a story on the wonderful employer that you have, who is helping your family through the work arrangements under the Family Medical Leave Act (FLMA) that they are agreeing to. That your previous child had problems requiring surgery, but this time, your employer is going to help you out through allowing your wife to take Family and Medical Leave Act family leave to get through this crisis.
That your wife was not sure how she was going to deal with it, but the wonderful benefits HR person looked it up, and now she is going to be able to balance child, job, and home, without jeopardizing her career.
Tell them what a wonderful company FELPS is to work for- a true "
conernstone of the community"
Be sure to throw in the name of the general manager, Dave McMillan, who must be a good guy, since he is going to ensure that your wife is going to be able to take the time she needs, and deal with the post-child-birth care.
And that you'd like the paper to do a story before the child is born, and then another one afterwards for follow up, so that everyone in your small community can see what a wonderful company FELPS is to work for.
That ought to do it.
Local newspapers love to do human interest stories, especially about wives, and employers, in the local community. At least one of the two, if not both, will probably be interested in doing the story.
You get the newspaper dogging the story from the get-go, and they'll make good old Dave and FELPS the hero of the story.
It does several things:
1. Puts good ol'e Dave on the spot, to make sure that he treats her well;
2. Publicizes the FLMA for others to follow;
3. Ensures that FELPS becomes known as a good place to work.
And while you are at it, you can clip the newspaper articles they write, and send them to the Board of Trustees, and thank the Board for having such a wonderful, caring program to take care of employees.
Trust me- it works wonders.