FishSqueezer's Account Talk

Well, since we're all here trying to make money for retirement, the question begs to be asked:

Would you have done it, or would you not have done it? I mean, $800 Million IS $800 Million, but...
Here goes nothing, I guess. Moved 30% into CSI, hoping that today would have provided a little resolution of the S+P 1200 area for tomorrow. Still being a newb, I'm guessing +0.05% doesn't qualify as "clarity"...
Hmmm, that little IFT is starting to look good! :) Just wish I hadn't frittered away an earlier one, and now I'm stuck until the next obvious calamity.

Quick...someone get out and push!!
I'll admit that I'm not well versed in the Financial Arts, and that prior to joining this site had never heard of Elliot Wave Theory. After seeing it a few times here, I'm starting to notice it elsewhere (has probably been there all along) and am finding it a fascinating theory. So, a question for the TSP gurus, is this gentleman's accounting of peaks and valleys consistent with what ya'll are seeing?
I'll admit that I'm not well versed in the Financial Arts, and that prior to joining this site had never heard of Elliot Wave Theory. After seeing it a few times here, I'm starting to notice it elsewhere (has probably been there all along) and am finding it a fascinating theory. So, a question for the TSP gurus, is this gentleman's accounting of peaks and valleys consistent with what ya'll are seeing?
All people who deal with numbers tend to try and identify patterns associated with them and then extrapolate meaningful interpretations to predict the next pattern:
Elliot Waves
Fibonacci Numbers
are two big ones....

But there are many more!
Ppppptttt! I made a slow move back into the CSI pool at S&P 1195 hoping to catch a little wave...didn't think it'd be that little. I soooo dislike the news-dominated market, and sooo believe the next news will be bad; let's hope for 1195+ through today while I take a seat on a lilly pad.

Pass the bugs, please...
I guess this is what I get for traveling for work...had a really good idea that yesterday would be a good time to buy a bit of a dip, but being in cell-free America all morning.... Oh well, looks like the Greek PM decided to regain his senses BEFORE the IFT deadline for a change, so moving 50% to C and S; 50% staying in G (just in case).

Next hurdles: the Super-Duper Committee or the next CR. Which will raise their ugly heads first?
Decided to ride it out through the weekend rather than locking in my losses from yesterday.

Have a feeling the ride might be something like this:

After getting thrown from the roller coaster in November, I've been swimming in the Pool wondering how...why...when...


Making a limited move trying to catch a 30-year Bond sale bump tomorrow.

OK, time to get serious and start putting some of the knowledge I've gained from this site to work. The F Fund has carried me to and from the bottom of the AT... past time to get to work.

From Friday's close at 1374ish, we're now down +/- 2.1% on the C Fund (S&P = 1345). The Chartists here and elsewhere show support at 1340 and not much after that. I'm thinking that Greece has one more death spasm left in it, and Thursday's the day, and don't anticipate any sufficiently good news or reports to trump Greece and/or Iran.

The time to buy is coming soon, but not today.

I think....
Geez...didn't realize it had been so long since my last post. Had a heck of a time finding my own thread! Anyway, wanted to give a brief shout out to another blog that many here have heard about. If one wanted a primer or reminder on the underlying philosophy of Elliot Wave Theory, PretzelLogic posted a great one today. Worth a read for sure!