FishSqueezer's Account Talk

Hello everyone, here's my first attempt at setting up my Account Talk Thread, and hoping for no more technical glitches. To get started, I'm currently at:
G 31
F 36
C 10
S 15
I 8

I know that seems odd, but I was fortunate enough to completely bail from CSI just before everything went south. After things looked a bit settled, I moved back into CSI at 10-15-10 just to have something to catch a bounce. So I'm about break even over the last 2 months using only a single IFT in July, and another in August. While I'd love to go back to being long, with the on-going on-goings in Europe, I'll probably be retreating to G again soon.
Good morning all!

I just realized that, just by setting up an AutoTracker Account, I'm now in the top 27% of TSPTalk participants! Suh-WEET! Financial security, here I come! Oh well, fun with numbers and trying to start the day with a smile. :)

Just seeing the news that Germany has done their part with resounding authority, and am looking for a positive day. What happens after that....

Nice to see you have started up your own thread. Copied the below message from the "new members" section. Figured you would get finger cramps explaining your name. Now you have to find an avatar. :D It looks like Alevin has an immediate friend. Welcome aboard.

Originally Posted by nasa1974
You get paid to squeeze fish?:confused:

Yep, well kinda. Being asked twice now I should come clean. I'm a Fisheries Biologist by education, and a Biologist by trade. "Fish Squeezers" is a colloquialism given us by the Bunny Huggers, Rock Hounds, Gopher Chokers, and other Natural Resource Management Professionals. :)
Ron Popeil (Set it, and forget it!) wasn't talking about the TSP!
Well, whatd'ya know, the Federal Gov't has a budget to get it through FY11. Is Sept. 29 cutting it a little close? :notrust:

I cracked up when I saw there were only 3 lawmakers there to vote on it...............:laugh: Quick, let's pass this before everyone comes back!! Wonder if they told the tea party members that they were voting today?
My musing on my (first to be recorded here) IFT today. I pulled back to safety and went to 45 G, 40 F, and 5 each CSI; essentially moving 20% back to G and F. I'm not a financial expert by any means and going strictly on sentiment; but had a feeling that the quarter-closing window dressing is just about done, and don't have positive feelings about the next few days for the Markets. And with both of my IFTs left; well, you can't take 'em with you. But that's just whats happening here. In the real world, I'm still to the good in all this mess waiting for a signal to go long.

Good luck to ya!
Welcome FishSqueezer! I'm glad you cleared up the meaning of your name - I thought you'd might be into that hillbilly fishin' sport. Aloha
Welcome FishSqueezer.

Click on the AutoTracker button at the top and it will take you to the top 10 for the year plus monthly winners and prior months/years. Scroll down and you will find all kinds of fascinating links. Recent IFTs will show who made an IFT for today and the last 100 records of IFTs posted to autotracker. When you click on most of the links you will get a log in screen. If you scroll down you can still see the information without logging in. Check out all the links you find on the autotracker main page. There is a lot of information there. You just have to play with it and when you get lost, click on the autotracker button again. Or use the back button on your browser.

Good luck and there is nothing wrong with following someone's moves. Just be aware that someone's system this year may not be successful in the future. Past years performance for individuals is in the autotracker too if you dig deep enough. Good luck and enjoy browsing. There is an awesome amount of information available in the autotracker.

One piece of advice I can give you is DO NOT under any circumstance follow my lead. I have 0 IFT this year and the last time I contemplated a move was to 100% G on Jul 22nd. I was going on vacation. I talked myself out of it. I am not a smart man.

When I first viewed your username I envisioned a person harvesting eggs (roe?) from fish after they swam upstream for days seeking the spawning place. Common belief seems to be that these fish die after the eggs are harvested. Just sayin.

Thanks for the welcome PO! Yep, still crawling through all the nooks and crannies of the site, trying to digest all the great info.

When I first viewed your username I envisioned a person harvesting eggs (roe?) from fish after they swam upstream for days seeking the spawning place. Common belief seems to be that these fish die after the eggs are harvested.

If they're salmon, yes; but they're on a one-way trip regardless.
I am not a smart man.

Hey, you got the Salmon part right! :)
Good morning all, and Happy New Year! I'll be in the bunker if anyone needs me this week...just knock on the tinfoil-lined hardhat.:notrust:

Well, ain't that just a fine parting gift! CS+I all end in the green as I'm on my way to the Pond. Oh well, these short-term things just aren't my game... yet, and Congress hasn't started being conspicuous with the FY12 Budg...I mean next CR. Anyway, looking forward to my updated PIP tomorrow morning. Can't wait to see if I've screwed that up now that I've started screwing with it.