FERS Annuity Supplement‏


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My Name is Lennis Reynolds I'm a retired (FERS)Postal Employee who retired under VERA on Oct 31 ,2009. I had 21yrs 9mos of civilian time and 4yrs 8 mos military time. I 'm challenging OPM Over the FERS Annuity Supplement when retiring under your MRA .(Note)the case is being reviewed by the court of the MSPB.(Please read and comment)

My name is Lennis B. Reynolds I am a retired Postal employee who took a VER/Incentive offer in August 2009. I am taking OPM to MSPB about the FERS Annuity Supplement. The difference without the Supplement is $1000.00 per month in retirement income.
To : Honorable Howard J. Ansorge
Administrative Judge
Central Regional Office
230 South Dearborn Street, Room 3100
Chicago, IL 60604-1669
Dear Judge Ansorge:
I, Lennis B. Reynolds CH-0841-10-0788-I-1,CSA X XXX-XXX desires an in-person hearing, I will conduct the hearing in this appeal by telephone .The telephone hearing will be held: Date: September 13, 2010 Time: 2:00 p.m. Central time (3:00 p.m. Eastern) I am requesting a in person hearing.
The issue is a employee who retires under their MRA under FERS is eligible for the FERS Annunity Supplement when retiring on VERA. OPM position is that you have to be MRA to collect the FERS Annuity Supplement, but according to the THE FEDERAL EMPLOYEES’ RETIREMENT SYSTEM ACT OF 1986 legislation clearly states it allows only four types of retirement benefits :Unreduced, reduced, ‘involuntary, and deferred vested annuities. Under the THE FEDERAL EMPLOYEES’ RETIREMENT SYSTEM ACT OF 1986 a employee who retired inVoluntary would have to wait to MRA not Voluntary(See exhibit 1). When Voluntary Early Retirement Laws Enacted in the 107/108th Congress under Voluntary Early Retirement Authority. Under both CSRS and FERS, a federal employee is eligible for an IMMEDIATE UNREDUCED RETIREMENT annuity at age 55 with 30 or more years of service. Under voluntary early retirement authority (VERA), the age and service requirements are reduced to 20 years of federal service at age 50 or 25 years of service,regardless of age. (see exhibit 2). The Homeland Security Act (P.L. 107-296) provides that with the approval of OPM, an agency undergoing restructuring or downsizing can offer voluntary early retirement to employees in specific occupational groups, organizational units, or geographic locations. Reductions in annuity amounts for early retirement will continue to apply . In your offer (the “agency”) must submitted a request to OPM for a grant of authority to offer voluntary early retirement in conjunction with a proposed major reduction in force (“RIF”). OPM/ agency must have this in your offer letter see (JOSEPH T. TORRES,Petitioner,v.OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT.(see exhibit 3)THIS WAS NOT IN MY offer letter ONLY a VER offer was issued NOT a proposed major reduction in force (“RIF”)this was not INCLUDED IN MY OFFER LETTER. I was offer to retire voluntary. .(see exhibit 4.) I also took a look at my form 50 and I looked up how agency/OPM retired me I was retired Involuntery (see form 50 Nature of Personnel action(Nature of action code is (303) Description (Retirement-Special-option .(see exhibit 5.) Chapter 30. Retirements (Natures of Action 300, 301,302, 303, and 304).then go to Table 30-B. Remarks Required for Retirement Actions rule(see exhibit 5 A1) . According to voluntary Early Retirement Law Enacted in the 107th/108 Congress under Voluntary Early Retirement Authority I retired(voluntary with unreduced benefits the same way that a regular employee /special groups retirement that retired Voluntery. Note: only the age and service requirements are reduced not the benefits. OPM retired me under Early retirement provision under CSRS not Voluntary Early Retirement under FERS it is a big diffence see chapter 43 fers(see exhibit 6). OPM retired me as an Early-Optional retiree when I should have been retired on Voluntary Optional.(see exhibit 7) I was not in a MAj-RIF must be in my offer voluntary early retirement in conjunction with a proposed major reduction in force (“RIF”). this was noted in my offer letter.[FONT=Calibri,sans-serif] This is a major case on all FERS employees who retired under VER and who is under their MRA. Note: I had a prehearing telephone conference call with the Honorable Howard J. Ansorge and OPM Agency Representive James Wiliams. In the conference call OPM claims that they retired me under 8414b (1) B. OPM cannot retire any FERS employee who retired voluntary under 8414 b (1) B unless the agency is undergoing a RIF and they must be documented in the offer letter as a reasonable offer. Therefore under U.S Code 8421 Annuity Supplement paragraph a(2) only applies to people who retired involuntary not voluntary. The only way a FERS employee can retire voluntary is under U.S. Code 8412 IMMEDIATE RETIREMENT. The decision will be on September 13, 2010
[FONT=Calibri,sans-serif](Note there is still no decision made on this case has of yet as of the 09/30/2010)[/FONT]

[FONT=Calibri,sans-serif]Lennis Reynolds[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri,sans-serif]former non-commissioned officer/retired Postal employee:[/FONT]
Without a great deal of research I can't comment except to say good luck and I wish you the best.
Your information is so small it is very hard to read and contains references to information not provided in your post, so I couldn't get through all the details. But I'll tell you what my HR folks told me. The FERS Supplement is given retirees from 60 years of age until 62 years of age and is to replace Social Security earnings. The issue is that VERA retirees retire voluntarily before age 60.

Do you have an attorney who is used to working with cases such as yours? Most attorneys who work on retirement awards work for a percentage of the awarded retirement rather than up-front fees.

Good luck,
From: http://www.opm.gov/retire/pre/election/benefits/srs.htm

Eligibility Requirements

In addition to at least 1 full calendar year of FERS service, you must retire on an immediate annuity (that is, one that begins within 1 month of separation) under one of the following provisions to be eligible for the Special Retirement Supplement:

after 30 years of service at or after your MRA (minimum retirement age); or
after 20 years of service at or after age 60; or
under one of the special provisions for law enforcement officers, firefighters, air traffic controllers, or military reserve technicians; or
under discontinued service retirement or early retirement (that is, a major RIF, reorganization, or transfer of function) provisions. However, if you retire on a discontinued service or an early retirement, you will have to wait until you reach your MRA before you can begin to receive the supplement.
Individuals who retire on disability or under the MRA + 10 retirement provision cannot receive the supplement.
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