So I hit the magical age 65 next year ! That raises the issue of Medicare for me. Google gives me all kinds of links to contradicting advice !
Do you have a definitive answer to (or link to the definitive answer to !) the question(s) :
Do I :
1. Drop FEHB and buy Part B and Part D or an Advantage Plan ?
2. Do I keep FEHB (currently BC/BC Basic Option, Self) and not take Part B ? (Is that even an option ?)
3. Do I keep FEHB and pay for Part B also ? (I know you DON'T take Part D if you keep FEHB)
I've seen this discussed many times, in bits and pieces, all over this board, but I'm looking for a clear, concise discussion of the pros and cons...
FWIW : I'm a regular FERS retiree ; collecting SS since age 62 ; no outside income and reductions to worry about (I'm pretty darn lazy !) ; no VA or TRICARE or anything like that ; Wife has her own healthcare coverage through her Teacher retirement
Any comments or links appreciated !
Stoplight. First my profound apology for not answering sooner. I'm still learning how to use this forum. Now to your questions.
1. If you're planning to depend on Medicare for the rest of your life, then you might as well sign up when you first become eligible. There are higher "premiums" imposed if you wait and those last forever. I've now been under Medicare for 13 years and while the cost of Part B goes up every year, i've never had an issue with a provider. And I've had more providers than I can count.
2. I'm no authority on FEHB. So don't expect any comments from me on how that works. I personally have Part D though I've made a point to shop around at the end of every year as my meds change and some providers are more favorable than others depending on what Rx you are taking.
3. I'm beginning to think from your comments that FEHB is similar to an Advantage Plan. These are a regulatory sop to the health insurance industry that for the most part, includes stuff that you may or may not ever need. But that provides an incentive for insurance companies to market them aggressively to benefit their bottom line. As a licensed insurance agent for some 45 years, I have a very cynical view of these companies.
My wife and I also have a medigap policy each. However, there is talk that Congress is going to phase them out of existence. I have no idea why except as another sop to the insurance industry by pushing more people into Advantage plans. I have no need for dental and vision coverage so why do I have to pay for that.
Good luck. Tony