espud's account talk


New member
It just so happens I have 2 separate TSP accounts. 1 civilian & another one military. I didn't know I could only max out one or the other to IRS limits (wasn't a problem 'cause I couldn't afford to max anyhow). Now that I can max out, I had to stop contributing to the smaller military TSP, & go with the civilian TSP only, due to much larger balance & only 6 yrs till retirement. They won't let me roll the military TSP into the civilian one(until retirement), so I'm stuck with 2 accounts, no future $$ going into the smaller one except for % gains. I'm too new to this stuff to stick my neck out yet with the civilian account, safe in L funds for now, but I want to play with my military TSP, so I'll experiment & track it here. Who knows, maybe it'll catch up with the other account then I can roll 'em together when I retire!:D Currently 100% in L2040, but that'll change tomorrow a.m.....HERE WE GO!!!!!!!!
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Made my first venture out into the scary world with a re-allocation. I went with 20% C, 10% F & 70% I. c/w this morning at 8:30 to be effective tomorrow (Turkey Day).
Hey Idaho,


I noted you posted your move about 30 minutes late today in your account transaction thread....

Remember, they won't count it until COB the next day if you don't post it by noon EST.

Hey, you may note mine posted at 12:01 EST. I started trying to get in at 11:00 EST, and the site was so clogged I could hardly get to the message board, much less to my thread.

I stated that in the post, so maybe they will count mine COB today.

The rule is designed to protect from Monday Morning quarterbacking.
