Error When Logging in to TSP on Phone


Active member
Does anyone get the following message when trying to log into the TSP from a cell phone? I've never had trouble before. It happens whether I'm connected to wi-fi or not. I've tried multiple browsers too. If I try too many times, of course, I get locked out of my account for an hour. If it's happened to you, please advise how to correct it.

"A browser-to-server authentication error has occurred because your IP address has changed since you logged into the Account Access section.

To protect the transmission of TSP participants' account information over the Internet, we use your computer's assigned IP address to administer our secure Web site and to help diagnose problems with our server. We require your computer's assigned IP address to remain the same from the time you log into the Account Access section until you exit it.

NOTE: Your IP address assignment is controlled by your Internet Service Provider or Network Security Administrator. It is assigned to your computer session each time you connect to the Internet and it may vary from session to session."
Is this just today or has it been happening for a while?

I'm curious if you can login on PC, logout and then login again with your phone (same IP)?

Also, do you any VPN's?
I know this is an old post, but I thought I'd share my experience with you now that I've seen this post.

This also happened to me when I was on the AT&T network. It wasn't just the TSP site either. I got similar messages from other secure sites. I even had problems with my local email provider after they upgraded their security. I could login but I couldn't read or send email because they said my IP address changed.

I assume the problem was with AT&T's CGNAT. I solved my problem at the time by using a VPN (protonmail freebie VPN) whenever I accessed those sites.

I have since moved on to T-Mobile and don't have this problem with them.