Epic's Account Talk

​So that was it????? He literally didn't say anything of much significance. Just restated the current climate and trajectory of what they plan to do. Nothings changed.
Nothing to see here folks. Business as usual.
The market nosedived, but then snapped right back.
Here we are after. It's Friday, so they'll be some profit taking today.
​Just restated the current climate and trajectory of what they plan to do. Nothings changed.

I guess the hope was that he would say something different. That may be the difference between now and the years of 0% interest rates. This is real. Rates and prices are going up and investors haven't been in this kind of environment in a long, long time. The Fed is supposed to bail out the market, right? Not. :suspicious:
I guess the hope was that he would say something different. That may be the difference between now and the years of 0% interest rates. This is real. Rates and prices are going up and investors haven't been in this kind of environment in a long, long time. The Fed is supposed to bail out the market, right? Not. :suspicious:
​Yeah, I know but the market has been surprisingly (shockingly even) resilient to the FED's tone and rhetoric, seemingly pricing things in and staying ahead of the FED. I expected the same since what he said today was just a repeat of what he's been saying all along. Just a small freak-out, and then almost back to where we started.
Then I go out and try to get some other things done.......come back and take a look.....and BAM !!!! WTF ??? LOL
So, 2 things in the back of my mind right now.
"They" said two things were major contributing factors to this massive economic collapse (recession, stagflation, call it what you want, etc.....).
One was Covid 19 and the other was the War in Ukraine.
So, World Health Organization now saying: "We are not there yet. But the end is in sight," WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told reporters at a virtual press conference.
Also, there are rumors floating that since : ‘Everybody was running away.’ Ukrainians in Kharkiv villages describe Russia’s retreat. ....that Putin is looking for an ending of this whole conflict (again, just a rumor).

So I'm wondering if these 2 things come to pass, will the economy suddenly take off to the upside, or do they just shift blame to something else???
I guess I'm just looking for anything that would have a positive impact on getting things back to a more "normal" environment.
You can't give up hope...........right?? :worried::D
The economy won't "take off" but the stock market may react positively. The economy moves more like a shipping container ship. It takes awhile to turn around and change direction. The stock market is more like a dirt bike. It can easily stop and turnaround.

As long as the spending in DC continues, it will be tough to get inflation back to the 2% area. It may come down, but the Fed may keep raising interest rates until it is 2%. And in the process the economy will suffer.

To me this is why rallies have to be sold because that dirt bike will dart here and there, but that shipping container is still moving in the wrong direction.

Too many metaphors? :D
That's a lot to ponder.
There is only a few ways to rein in Inflation:
1. RECESSION :sick:
2. Fix the distribution issues (WORKERS) :suspicious:
3. Raise interest rates (see number 1) but somewhat controllable

COVID-19 or whatever else this big old world can throw at us will residually rear its ugly head for the foreseeable future but folks are learning to live/cope with it and, economically, should not continue to be a drain. However, over the past 30 months, some employees have gotten used to a work style that fits them. Its up to Companies and workers to figure out how to maintain that balance and be profitable going forward. Others, not so lucky to have a job that affords that type work, need to figure out what the line in the sand is as far a work/life balance.

Ukraine and Russia. That's some tough sledding over there. Unless the Russian Military unilaterally just quits or other countries come to Ukraine's defense with boots on the ground, I don't think Ukraine has the forces to push them completely out. Some conscript forces running away does not tell me much. In the Gulf War conscript units were routed because of the reputation of US Armor, Artillery, Infantry and of course Air Supremacy. When my company ran into the Republican Guard, the results were the same, except it was superior courage, training and equipment that routed them, not reputation.
As long as the spending in DC continues, it will be tough to get inflation back to the 2% area.
That's another thing that shocks me (kinda).
Listening to WTOP yesterday, or any news source, you always hear about the latest Spending Bill that was just signed and it's always in terms of Billions and Trillions of Dollars (Our Tax Money). Those two terms just roll off the tongue any more like it's nothing. You never heard (or at least I never noticed) those amounts being thrown around like that in the past like it's no big deal. WTF ? ? ?
I guess it's like being told to just go out and buy that $85,000.00 Electric Vehicle, right?? Sure.....no problem. I'll get right on it . . . .
I don't get it man. I don't get it at all. :soapbox:

Too many metaphors? :D
LOL ! ! ! !
I'd rather it starts ugly and end the day green. Then start green and end ugly. Of course, the other option is it just stays ugly.
I'd rather it starts ugly and end the day green. Then start green and end ugly. Of course, the other option is it just stays ugly.
I agree. Hopefully we at least end up flat for the day.
I'm always the optimist, which is a problem sometimes in my decision making. Not only in this market, but in other things as well. Sux 2 B me.
I'd just love to go back a few years (the way things were) before all this insanity started. :sick: :( :blink:
Remember the days when at most you’d see a .25 or .50% daily change? Now it swings wildly with 1 to 3% daily rises and drops common. It’s unstable
Remember the days when at most you’d see a .25 or .50% daily change? Now it swings wildly with 1 to 3% daily rises and drops common. It’s unstable

We used to have a Premium Service here years ago called "Trader Fred." One of his philosophies was to run for cover when you start seeing a series of 1% moves - up or down. That's basically when the VIX was starting to rise.
As fast as the Hot Topic news changes around here, what was talked about today is quickly forgotten about tomorrow and on to the next subject.
So I just wanted to do a quick PSA / FYI on the I-Bond that was being talked about a few months back. It's still at almost 10% return.
IB.PNG Read More HERE >>>>> https://www.treasurydirect.gov/indiv/research/indepth/ibonds/res_ibonds.htm
I threw 10K at it (the yearly limit) a while back, and will probably do another 10K at the beginning of 2023.
The return will most likely continue to rise given the Fed and the current economic and market situations (Inflation).
Almost 10% return in a completely safe investment.
There are some slight restrictions, but if you can handle that, it's all good.
