Well THAT sure was a lot of profit taking at the end of the day.

I guess everyone's gonna start their Day Drinking super early tomorrow so that they're good and primed for New Years Eve, and just not even be bothered with the Market. :alcoholic:
I'm not even going to try and pretend that I know or understand NAAIM numbers like Coolhand did. My basic knowledge is: Up is
GOOD , Down is
BAD. Or to expand on that, Upward numbers or graphs means fund managers have been advising their clients to invest, and Downward numbers or graphs indicate those same fund managers are advising their clients to take profit or exit the market to safe haven. At least that's my understanding. I could be totally off base, but I think I'm close.
I don't know how to post the numbers like you did the charts , but the only thing that caught my eye was in the Bullish column, it went from a 200 (last week) down to a 150 (today). It's still Bullish, but just not as strong.
If anyone would like to better explain NAAIM numbers, please feel free. I know there's a bunch of us who'd like to understand them better so we know what we're looking at.
Party On Wayne . . . . .