EAFE ticker looks wrong


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There's a discrepancy between what the I fund ticker is showing (+0.15%) for April 7, on the web front page, and the MSCI data (+0.712%)
at http://www.msci.com/equity/index2.html
Is this another incidence of closings at different times?

On another note - it might be useful to collect the online references to the various TSP funds somewhere, for the new users. Information like C=^gspc at finance.yahoo, etc.
maybe in the faq.. just an idea
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We've always had a problem with the EAFE index symbols. Whether you use EFA or ^efv, it does always match the I fund quote. We were thinking the EFA symbol was "better" or closer, but it still seems to be off at times. Could it be because the dollar was up yesterday?

What? It isn't obvious that ^gspc is the C fund :D. You are right about that and I will make some updates.
