Doing Day trading online, like the TSP

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Rolo wrote:
I don't have the chutzpah to sell market index funds short with such 50/50 uncertainty...
What's the old axiom, "You don't short a dull market."?
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The 3 funds that I had mentioned previously and suggested it was a good time to short sell. the PWC 36.4 to 36.05 down 1%, PWO 39.23 to 38.85 down 1%, AND THE QQQ 36.44 to 36.15 down .9%. I was in the short sell for the QQQ, started with 54 shares at 36.69 = $1981, now 54 shares at 36.15 = $1952. $1981-$1952=$29 and you take away the $14 that I will eventually end up spending when I buy back the stock in the future. For now a profit of $15. See what happens today, whether I sell or hold. Again the differential pattern for the PWC, PWO, and the QQQ are for the last four months. I said yesterday they scared me because since I have been tracking our TSP funds the pattern started in January. Only the MDY has followed the differential pattern since January. I will rethink yesterdays decision about the high prices in Jan and Feb. and work with the differential theory with these 3 funds for the last 4 months.

I have 2 more funds, the (VUG) Vanguard Growth Vipers, this fund stays close to the S fund. The highes differential was at 315, where the S fund was at 341, but the pattern has been since January.

The second fund is the (RSP) the Rydex S&P Equal Weight. This fund, like the VUG, is close to the vest with the S fund, its highest differential has been 319. The VUG differential is at 298 and the RSP is at 300, while the S differential is at 290.

I am having a blast doing this so far, please don't burst my bubble. :dude:by the way this smiley face is my signature sign. This is almost how I got my nickname Frizz B. My hair actually looked worse that the :dude:hair on this smiley face, a lot longer with the 2 year growth of beard to go with it. THOSE WERE THE DAYS.
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You probably want the most volatile index ETF, one that has larger and more frequentswings. QQQ probably has the highest beta, no?
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Rolo asked: You probably want the most volatile index ETF, one that has larger and more frequentswings. QQQ probably has the highest beta, no?


Interesting enough, since mid of February all the differential move along with each other. The one I will be playing will be the fund that is the lowest percentage wise or the highest percentage wise to the high and low differential to each fund. I will watch each fund and when the timing is right, I will chose the fund that has the biggest percentage from the high and low to that fund. :dude:
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Er. hm. heh. Wot did he just say?

I think you said that you will trade the fund that had the biggest % move..?
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You are liking today, eh Frizz? I'll jump in the überFRO when I return from vacation.
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Ok, I have made 4 transactions through Scottrade for$28. I bought short twice, and 2 times buy to cover. Here is my question.

When I bought short the priceof a share was at 34.54 and going up at the time. When I purchased the share they quoted market 34.55 and purchase price at 34.52. When Ibought to cover the price was at34.20 and purchase price was 34.26. Who is making the extra 4 to 5 cents for each share?

I made money on the sells, but with the $28 for cost, I ended up down $12. I also found out that, on the 3rd day for my short sell on the second transaction, I received a notice that I would have to purcase theshort or they would do it for me by 10 am. The reasoning was that they had to borrow the short from another company. I did call that morning and asked if I still had to buy to cover and they checked around and I was covered soIcould wait tillI wanted the buy to cover. Interesting things happen, learn while you go. :dude:
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Most of my trades are a few cents to my disadvantage than the current time & sales rates; I do not know why. I do not think that is the spread (difference between bid & ask) since I watch every transaction in the T&S window before I place my order and mine rarely follow suit. My theory is that we sacrifice price for expediency.

Having learned that early, I do not rely on a few-cent difference in my trades. Generally, I trade for a quick 5%-20% profit within a few weeks or a large run-up over a couple of months. Like Tom mentioned, six months is long-term. :D

Interesting about the forced buy-to-cover; I wondered if they did that since I have never found anything specific to how long you can borrow shares. Borrowed shares, borrowed time.
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Frizz B. wrote:
When I bought short the priceof a share was at 34.54 and going up at the time. When I purchased the share they quoted market 34.55 and purchase price at 34.52. When Ibought to cover the price was at34.20 and purchase price was 34.26. Who is making the extra 4 to 5 cents for each share?
That is what is called slippage. I have written about it here a couple of time (use the search feature up top if you are interested). It is one of the main reasons why it is difficult to day trade profitably and why the market makers are rich.

By the way, you "sell short" and "buy to cover". :)
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Here are my predictions for Etrading, following the differential theory.

QQQ shareprice at35.07 as of yesterdays close the differentialis at 192, 14.33% below my low of 220 and it looks like it is at 35.425 in after hour trading, the differentialis at 205, 7.54% below my low of 220, and VUG share price is at 47.64 and the at 234, 11.65% below my low of 261.

Good luck :dude: