dannyboy's Account Talk

:) Santa Clause Rally dates,
I am interested in the thought train of when this rally, Santa Clause Rally, will start and or end??? I have had a very good month, since I jumped into 100% S-fund, back on ~ December 2. I think I pu in a PM and emailed all that low int rates, holiday sentiment & everything looked great for the S. I believe that someone had earlier stated that the Santa Clause Rally runs from Dec. 26 - Jan. 6? I GOOGLED it at http://www.google.com/#q=santa+clau...m=1&sqi=2&ved=0CCoQqAIwAA&fp=a1b46f39678685a8 and I couldn't find anything useful? :confused:
Burn me once? twice? Shame!

Japan 3rd largest economy is smashed? nuclear holicaust?
This has all the markings of the last crash we had!
Head for cover!!! While you can!
My take on this market situation!
Nothing will really get better before April?
I see Birch is about to steam roll right past me on the tracker to the lower depths, there's no shame in that B. I was just there in early January. :sick:
Pitch your tent, kick back, enjoy!!! :)
A question to any and all out there. I am very interested in finding out:
What time do the daily returns for each fund show up on the TSPTALK board?
Is there a thread or post that be used to give me the instruction on how to figure that out?
I come close by taking the difference in the S and/or C fund, but it's close.
A question to any and all out there. I am very interested in finding out:
What time do the daily returns for each fund show up on the TSPTALK board?
Is there a thread or post that be used to give me the instruction on how to figure that out?
I come close by taking the difference in the S and/or C fund, but it's close.

I usually don't check until 7:30pm, sometimes it shows up earlier, sometimes later.

You can always check it on the TSP.gov site.
Re: Time set needed to resetIFT'sthat day , EST

I feel an itch to burn IFTs, since the market is up 200+. Last fall I lost a lot, so be cautious.
Re: Time set needed to resetIFT'sthat day , EST

Hey, DD. You were looking for your thread. This will bring it to the top. :)
DB is busy with a full-time job, so I don't post much. I had been very hesitant about things but since a new month is near, I should try to take advantage of where I'm at. :notrust:
5/1/am, Well things are back to usual. I spend a lot of time thinking about making a change, then get sidetracked and miss out on dead lines? I had a good spring, sochill.
Things had been cruising along and I'd ride that train until another kaboom? So I'm just chilling?, until October. DB