Cursor Problems

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Staff member
From what I understand, the issue of the freezing or disappearing cursor while posting, will be fixed with the upcoming 4.1.5 version. We are using 4.14 and I suspect we are a couple weeks away from seeing 4.1.5.
From what I understand, the issue of the freezing or disappearing cursor while posting, will be fixed with the upcoming 4.1.5 version. We are using 4.14 and I suspect we are a couple weeks away from seeing 4.1.5.

Good to know Tom. Thanks.
From what I understand, the issue of the freezing or disappearing cursor while posting, will be fixed with the upcoming 4.1.5 version. We are using 4.14 and I suspect we are a couple weeks away from seeing 4.1.5.

Version 4.1.5 has now been implemented. Let's hope it clears up some of the problems. (so far so good with the cursor issue)
This is a test to see if the spell check option is workking with the
software update that Tom has just applied.

It appears that this option still does not work with IE8. Oh well this will force
Me to be more carefull with my spelling. :p
This is a test to see if the spell check option is workking with the
software update that Tom has just applied.

It appears that this option still does not work with IE8. Oh well this will force
Me to be more carefull with my spelling. :p
Have you tried installing iespell? You may have it already.

Also, didn't the right click (in the editor box) "Check Spelling" work for you?
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