Credit, your FICO credit score & much more!



Here is a link to great information about credit most people don’t know about. Stephen Snyder also has a book called "Credit After Bankruptcy" and "Do You Make These 38 Mistakes With Your Credit?” I have the 38 mistakes book and its amazing how you can hurt your credit and not even know about it. Education can save you thousands in the long run. Mostly all the information is free in his news letters. I wouldn't recommend purchasing any of his info unless you have filled for bankruptcy. Even if you have never filled bankruptcy you will find this site to be very useful for raising you credit scores where you will get the best rates on your car, home or credit card. These are easy steps most people don’t know about. The link takes you to his free newsletters. Scan through them and I am sure you will be satisfied and learn. Enjoy!
I have browsed through the past issues of this newsletter.. I myself have not ever been bankrupt.. It shows much more than that... Very educational about how to raise your FICO score...
I think everyone has room to improve their FICO... Or be able to helpsomeone out sometime...
Thank you very much for posting this link... I am going to buy the
and get the SCORE WATCH.. which sends you email whenever your credit score changes...

all the information is free... I plan on going to the local library after I finish this school in 15 days to read it... I have the worst FICO in history possibly :)
no, it's about to shoot up.. so, I am going to binge and get the score watch so I can celebrate watching it raise up! is the website...

I am glad I could be of service and point this information out. I did file a few years ago, young dumb and partying way too much, however my scores have soared following his information. Oh ya and 5 years sober yesterday! Bradley Ross Law is a site to check out if you havent stumbled on it yet. There is some negative information posted out there but dont believe it. I have been with these guys for a few years and you can see from my scores below that some thing is working. If you use BRL you can use my name (Ryan Pillow) by putting it at the top of your application and receive I think a $30 or $20 discount. Please feel free to use. My three FICO scores are 790, 740, 720. Not to shabby for some one who filled. is the best place to purchase your credit scores. It does cost but it worth it and it does not count as a credit inquiry or lower your score.

Though I did not file.. I just paid off all my negative reports... After I plain didnt pay my bills for about 4 years... So, I have paid all 10g including one judgement on my file (that was a whopping $150) The past 3 years I never did inquire or request credit.. I alreadyew the answer would be "HELL NO!!" knBut, that bridge is passed.. ANYWAYS, My scores right now.. Or as of mid may are 511, 529, and 612. Nothing to bragg about. When I opened up a bank account in October, the lowest alltime score I saw was 499!! *FAINTS*
So, pretty much.. I am heading in the right direction... Or like to think I am. I now have a secured credit card.. which I plan to use for 6 months.. and then ask my Credit Union to 'REVIEW' my plan and see if I can have a unsecured card...
I hope to buy a house w/in the next 2-3 years... I want to have the scores you have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
any suggestions??

Well you are heading in the right direction. I have learned that in life you must do the foot work! Time and research and a little money can have your scores above 700 in 1 years. So buying a home won't be any problem. Actually you can get a home much easier right now than a credit card. You will learn all that in Stephen's news letters. I can't believe it is free! I have bought one of his books. I actually want to buy the new one he is offering on his site but I haven't gotten around to it. If you're serious I would buy it. But then again 90% of his information is free. No one knows more about credit than this guy. So study his information, and re-read the information later. If you are like me I have a built in forgetter so I need to refresh from time to time. Credit scores today are much different than it was 10 and more years ago.
So any ways one of the first steps is to pay off debt! Next get a secured credit card. You must make sure that they report to all three credit beauros. I just cancelled the one I used. Stephen recommended using these guys as they reported to all three credit beauros. I got one for $300 and had it for 3 years. On todays credit scores you need at least two credit cards(not dept store cards) to have the best rates as well as a revolving loan. Its crazy how technical it gets.
The reason i cancelled is because I finally qualified for a credit card through my bank with the absolute best rates and a balance of 19,000. I only use this card to build my credit I always pay if off fully.
Next if you have negative items on your reports I would sign up to use Bradley Ross Law. You can find them on the internet easy. I have been using them for 3 years. I actually just signed up my wife with there services. I am going to cancel with them as I think there isnt much else they can do for me. But basicly the get negative items deleted off your credit report. Completely deleted off! There are no guarantees. And there services do cost, but speaking from experience its so worth it. Now I can have the luxuary of having the best rates for every thing I buy!
This is only the basics and every ones situation is different. Just email me and I can help you out and talk more about your situation. That goes for any one looking to improve there scores but Stephen Snyder is the pro.

Great posts, thanks for the information. Credit scores seems to becoming more and more important. I will be passing this stuff on to my daughter as she has made some dumb decisions as well all do. Thanks again.