Here is a link to great information about credit most people don’t know about. Stephen Snyder also has a book called "Credit After Bankruptcy" and "Do You Make These 38 Mistakes With Your Credit?” I have the 38 mistakes book and its amazing how you can hurt your credit and not even know about it. Education can save you thousands in the long run. Mostly all the information is free in his news letters. I wouldn't recommend purchasing any of his info unless you have filled for bankruptcy. Even if you have never filled bankruptcy you will find this site to be very useful for raising you credit scores where you will get the best rates on your car, home or credit card. These are easy steps most people don’t know about. The link takes you to his free newsletters. Scan through them and I am sure you will be satisfied and learn. Enjoy!
Here is a link to great information about credit most people don’t know about. Stephen Snyder also has a book called "Credit After Bankruptcy" and "Do You Make These 38 Mistakes With Your Credit?” I have the 38 mistakes book and its amazing how you can hurt your credit and not even know about it. Education can save you thousands in the long run. Mostly all the information is free in his news letters. I wouldn't recommend purchasing any of his info unless you have filled for bankruptcy. Even if you have never filled bankruptcy you will find this site to be very useful for raising you credit scores where you will get the best rates on your car, home or credit card. These are easy steps most people don’t know about. The link takes you to his free newsletters. Scan through them and I am sure you will be satisfied and learn. Enjoy!