Chocolate Lover's Account Talk

Nothing focuses the mind like a one drop in the market of 400 points. YIKES!!!! I would really like to avoid that train wreck again. The market recovered, but I'm not the "market," so I'm still catching up. Let's see what the rest of the year looks like.
I'm still learning the protocol for posting account changes. (That's another way of saying I messed up something.) I neglected to post my trade on 4/9 before the deadline and I just caught my error. I have now posted it, if I understand the rules correctly, as a trade effective 4/10 for an IFT to I Fund for 100%. Actually, though, I made the transfer effective 4/9. A "newbie" mistake, but an FYI for anyone who even cares what a "newbie" does.

I'll just have to remember to account for the increase/loss today on the tracker sheet.
I moved to a 50/50 G/I allocation at COB 4/11/07, which looks like a totally bad move since it looks like I just went 100% I yesterday. But, I actually entered on 4/9, so the actual loss, if today's numbers stand up, won't be as bad as the tracker report will reflect. It's still going to hurt, though.
Well, I finally joined AutoTracker. Someone please tell me that 2009's Fund returns will come back down to Earth in 2010, or at least convince me to have the good sense to just let it ride in one of the funds, since they beat me by a long shot. I would propose a slight amendment to this site's slogan, "Friends don't let friends buy and hold." Instead, after 2009's incredible returns over 2008's equally abysmal returns, perhaps it should read, "Friends don't let friends buy and hold -- unless it's the year after an historic 40%-50% drop in the market."
Well, I finally joined AutoTracker. Someone please tell me that 2009's Fund returns will come back down to Earth in 2010, or at least convince me to have the good sense to just let it ride in one of the funds, since they beat me by a long shot. I would propose a slight amendment to this site's slogan, "Friends don't let friends buy and hold." Instead, after 2009's incredible returns over 2008's equally abysmal returns, perhaps it should read, "Friends don't let friends buy and hold -- unless it's the year after an historic 40%-50% drop in the market."

Chocolate Lover, nice to see you back. The truth is that every year may be different, the trick is knowing WHEN to B&H. I haven't figured that one out!!
Best of luck:D