cbackous' Account Talk

thanks bear for that info, i might have to take advantage of that at some point.

as of COB i will be 100% G, (from 50/50 G/F). hopefully bonds will finish strong so i can realize a little bit of a gain.
so here are a few things i am considering, feel free to comment/give suggestions.

I am active duty, 25, putting 10% of my base pay ($202.50 right now) in to the TSP fund (current balance is just under $4K). I plan on doing career military (4 year mark is in sept).

I am considering stopping my monthly investment in to the TSP and instead, putting it towards a Roth IRA i am thinking of opening with USAA. **the two funds i would divide my money across is the USAA Precious Metals and Minerals Fund (USAGX) and the USAA GNMA Trust (USGNX)**

This will increase slighly my taxable income, but i dont think it will be enough to change much since i am in a low tax bracket as it is. Also, since i am in a low tax bracket already, the chances of being in a lower bracket when i am 60 doesnt seem likely which nulls the "tax-deferred" benefit of the TSP.

I would much rather have my money making tax free money than the tax deferred money. I can see myself starting my contributions to TSP back up dont the road a ways, (re-enlistment bonuses, deployments, etc) but the more i think about it, the more and more going Roth makes sense.

**i havent dont any research or calculating to look at the actual tax difference i will have, yet..**
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There are several advantages to the Roth IRA; there is no minimum required distribution when you are older and is easily passed on to heirs. You will be limited on your yearly contributions. In the Roth think in terms of dividend paying stocks - they pay every three months and dividends are reinvested for free. If you do end up getting deployed you can put up to $49,000 in your TSP account during the tour. TSP makes it easy to build a balance over time. My Army daughter has been in her TSP for several years and is 75C and 25I and will remain that way for the duration. She also has an inherited IRA, a Roth IRA and an open account at a brokerage.
so i put in my IFT for a 50/50 G/F split. taking the little rally from yesterday and hoping for a decent performance today.

:beer: cheers to a hopefully good day.:)[/quote]
Good Move,
I was 50/50 - G/F but I jumped onto the Lilly Pad too early, Yesterday. :sick: I just saw a lot of gloom and doom on the horizon and I couldn't take it anymore. I wish I had stayed, but it was not until the afternoon that the government was going to buy back all the debt with bonds? or something like that? I had just focused on the morning news of big scandals breaking out. I'm never too sure if an action that I take or is taken will be (-) or (+) until the next day?
Oh Well, my main focus of this day, is myy alma-mattar plays at 2:30!
1st BEER then FEAR THE TURTLE!! The University of Md. rocks but there's a lot of folks playing for California who can throw them 3 point rocks all day. It could be a mess but at least they got to the big dance this year. Sweet Sixteen here we come? :D
Havent been posting much but i have been keeping an eye on things. been a little busy getting my Roth IRA setup. as of COB tomorrow i will be 52% G and 48% F.
Havent been posting much but i have been keeping an eye on things. been a little busy getting my Roth IRA setup. as of COB tomorrow i will be 52% G and 48% F.

Are you going to come over to ETFTalk and trade with us?? The more the merrier. Also, lots of good info...