cbackous' Account Talk


looking forward to getting advice and making money

right now i am sitting with 47% G, 53% F. Hoping to jump in to C sometime soon for the ride up :D
Since i am sort of a newbie to alot of this i am using a newsletter that is put out by its "balanced" allocation has an average +13.66% since 1995. I will be using a mixture of advice from fellow TSPtalk peeps, the newsletter, and my gut.

i just ordered The Little Book of Common Sense Investing so i am looking forward to reading that and getting a better understanding of things.
Glad to see some people making money is C and S. If S&P stays pretty level or drops down (hopefully before noon) then i will jump and use my 2nd IFT. heres to a good day.
Used my 2nd IFT to go 25% G 55% C 20% S. hopefully can make a few bucks in the next two days and be back in G by friday COB. Hoping for 800-810.
Since i am sort of a newbie to alot of this i am using a newsletter that is put out by its "balanced" allocation has an average +13.66% since 1995. I will be using a mixture of advice from fellow TSPtalk peeps, the newsletter, and my gut.

Thanks for the link. Any and all information is helpful. :)

i just ordered The Little Book of Common Sense Investing so i am looking forward to reading that and getting a better understanding of things.

Thanks for the book title. I may have to get that too. :)

Positive reputation for you.
today was awesome. i needed a good positive day, as many others did too. thanks for all the input you guys do in this forum, i would be lost without it.

currently 25% G, 55% C, 20% I, but i am going to be jumping out tomorrow, back to 100% G.
well here i am at work, not sure how much i will be able to be on, or if i will be home before the noon deadline, so i put in my IFT for a 50/50 G/F split. taking the little rally from yesterday and hoping for a decent performance today.

Hopefully i will be able to get on a little bit and keep an eye on things, makes changes if i need to.

:beer: cheers to a hopefully good day.:)
The Peaceful Gains site looks useful. Thanks for sharing it. It would have helped me prevent some losses of late. Timing moves is very difficult in the current environment.
I want to do more IFT's but I'm scared after all that money I lost last year. Did you join that autotracker? ...I think I might try it out.
yes kodaq i did join the tracker. As of late i am always a day late or a day early. with the volatility of the market and all, i am going to sit out a bit and let the crazy get finished.

i like the peaceful gains site. with my latest IFT i am following the "Conservative" allocation which right now is 50/50 G/F. I probably wont differ too much from that til the market looks a little more stable.
i have burned my 2 IFT's this month, so i cant even jump in to C when it comes back down. but that could be a good thing, i never could get my timing right:rolleyes:
i have burned my 2 IFT's this month, so i cant even jump in to C when it comes back down. but that could be a good thing, i never could get my timing right:rolleyes:

I invite you to search my thread concerning your <1%IFT abilities.
Even leaving 1% in the funds could allow you to beat the (G) Fund.
Still, there is risk of losing more then what you would have made in
the (G), but you should know your options of staying in the game.;)