Cattman's Account Talk

I've managed to stay in the top 100, bear bites hurt. :cheesy: Move some gain to G to day. Now 50% G 50% S. We'll see how the FED affects things later today.
Currently 75% G 25% S. We have been informed that we will be having an Early Out retirement offer later this summer. With 29+ years in but only being 51, it looks like this would not be advisable for me due to the 8% age cut on the CSR portion if my retirement. If anyone has been trhough one of these please comment.:)
Well, the roller coaster has had an interesting run. :sick: Hopefully Greece will come through with good news to keep the climb intact. :D If it keeps the run going through 11:30 I'll likely bail ;)and keep some gains to invest for next month.
I may regret this, :notrust: but going to roll the dice for one more day of gains.:)

Well unless something the Fed does or says this afternoon at 1430 tanks the market, it all looks good for anything you have long... of course, my shorts are requiring a new adjustment to my sticky pants... :nuts: ;)
What a nice end of day trun around. :) About time the !Q%$#@ oil speculators got to eat some !$#@ pie. :D

Hope the ride up continues tomorrow. ;)
I missed the IFT deadline Friday taking the wife to a Dr. appt. Looks like that is going to allow me a lower entry point back into the S. :D 100% S COB today.