Cattman's Account Talk


Well, I have finally decided to jump into the fire after lurking for several years.

I finished 2005 with a 6.6% return going back and forth with various % of C, S, and I funds. Started 2006 at 75% C and 25% S.
I have moved effective today to 20%F, 15%S, 35%C and 30%I. Based on my oldest sons recommendations. I paid for 4 years of College for a degree in finance, and he's now working with Waddle and Reed Financial Services.
Hope he knows what he's doing. ;)
Re: Cattman's acount talk.

Kept same 40% C 30% S 30 % I for the rest of year with a total 16.33% return. Starting 2007 with the same mix.
Re: Cattman's acount talk.

Interfund transfer 4/3/07 to 25%C 40%S 35% I . Should never have been on side for last month.:mad:
Wow man this is pretty scarey :worried: stepping in your home to welcome you. :nuts:

The only other person to do that is now 'Banned' and I don't know if there is any connection.

Well anyway I like the name -- and with yesterday's huge gain I thought the same thing -- 'catch the wave'.

GL !! I hope it really soars the rest of this month :cool::cool:
Wow man this is pretty scarey :worried: stepping in your home to welcome you. :nuts:

The only other person to do that is now 'Banned' and I don't know if there is any connection.
Hey Cattman,

Two years without a post....nice to see you back!!!:cool:
Finished out 2009 with a 23% gain.
Current balance shows

G 9.9%
C 19.86%
S 36.08%
I 34.16%

Currently contributing G 10%
C 20%
S 45%
I 25%
IFT Today 3/18/10 to 10%G 20%C 65%S 5%I

Time to get out of I after it finally got back to positive for the year.
IFT as of COB 11-1-10 15%G,20%C,65%S.

I moniter the board daily, but am not much of a poster. More buy and hold, but need to start keeping some of my gains.

Catching Birchtree. Next few days look to be wild. Up 9.88% ytd as of Friday. Pulled my small I to capture a gain before the $$ increases more.