catak's Account talk


New to this, hope I can obtain some good stats and adjust from this rediculous loss from the past few days. 25% F 75% S. Please give me feedback, thanks.
Welcome catak, I'm sure there will be plenty of discussions concerning your question, what would be the answer I have no Idea which way the market is going right now.
Best of luck:D
New to this, hope I can obtain some good stats and adjust from this rediculous loss from the past few days. 25% F 75% S. Please give me feedback, thanks.
Good luck catak, and thanks for joining us!

I hope you find this as I changed the title of your thread.

Now you fit in with the other "Account Talk" threads... Members' Account Talk

This forum thread will only show what you type. :)

Here is your autotracker profile page... TSP Talk AutoTracker

It's empty now, but once your initial IFT gets processed tonight, you will see the data.
When making a IFT, is it best practice to also make the same percentages towards a contribution allocation or just a IFT? Thanks.
Ok. I know the market has been a bit crazy! My question is, in my allocations I have 5% in the L 2030, and 19% distributed among all the other funds. I just made an IFT 4-Feb with 50% G and 50% S.

So, which of the two, the contribution side or IFT side will greatly affect the total balance outcome? Thanks.
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TSP market watch, Traffic light turns yellow!! The evidence for a bounce is in! Already used my two IFT's for the month. Should of maybe stayed in the C fund, but went safe at 50% G and 50% S and also went 100% C in my contributions. Good luck!
When making a IFT, is it best practice to also make the same percentages towards a contribution allocation or just a IFT? Thanks.
Hi Catak, I like to move all my funds to allocate based on my IFT changes. Basically all in with my thoughts on what's happening in market. Not really sure what others do. Best wishes! DBAnnie :)
Ok. I know the market has been a bit crazy! My question is, in my allocations I have 5% in the L 2030, and 19% distributed among all the other funds. I just made an IFT 4-Feb with 50% G and 50% S.

So, which of the two, the contribution side or IFT side will greatly affect the total balance outcome? Thanks.
the IFT side would have most impact each time you reallocate. The contribution side will provide you with dollar cost averaging for the portion you have in market. So regardless of which way market is going your investment in shares is averaging out, cost-wise, over time especially if your in it long term. So basically you are hedging the bet. Nothing wrong with that...just depends on your investment strategy. For more than 20 years I had almost all funds in market and had contributions going in at same allocation...didn't look at it and didn't touch it...that worked well for long term and time to spend with family and with good earnings..but not stellar. Stellar requires continuous management and sound strategy and very good timing and some luck in very volatile times. When you ride the market long term the very good and very bad years average out to a decent return ( say 7 to 10% over time) ...that's much better than G or F.

I've never figured my actual return over those years, but it was in line with TSP yearly returns for S and C funds. However, if I had to do over again and if I had the time to be vigilant at watching trends, I would have been a little more active in managing it and might have bettered the return. Would have, could have, should have.... But I'm very happy with my account balance. So now trying my hand at timing market and that is harder than I thought.

Happy investing! :D