Sorry folks. I look at this as smoke and mirrors. Coming right out of the 2025 handbook. If it looks too good to be true it must be. There is something else behind the mirror you can't see.
If the 200,000 take up this offer and the average salary is $5,000/month multiply that by 8 months you get $40,000 per person. Now multiply that by 200,000 and the cost is $8.0B. Assuming most of the folks are near retirement this is probably minimum. Who's to say 2 months down the road another document is signed saying since you resigned you a hereby permanently terminated. Oh, and by the way the 8 months was an estimate.
It's not 8 months. It is 2025/09/30. So,
about 8 months. You don't resign till 2025/09/30.
For each employee, the Gubmint pays:
Gross Salary
7.2% of Salary to OASDI/Medicare
5% of Salary (hopefully) into TSP
67% (?) of the Health Insurance cost
For a GS-7 in Raleigh, that is:
Gross Salary: $57K
7.2% of Salary to OASDI/Medicare: $4,100
5% of Salary (hopefully) into TSP: $2,850
67% (?) of the Health Insurance cost: $11,490
For a grand total, out the door, of $75,440 for a GS-7. Internal Review studies use a cost of $93/hour as their normalized man-hour cost. It includes stuff like office space, your computer, your phone, heating, cooling, whatever... At 2K work-hours/year that adds up to $186,000/year. You don't have to water employees that aren't there.
Assuming the GS-7, the savings would be $15B, assuming the number used by IR the savings would be $37.2B. I think it would be somewhere in between. I don't think the average grade is a GS-7 Step 1 and I would bet the kitchen sink is included in the IR number so it really isn't suitable for large numbers.
For those positions that are vacated and nobody complains the savings would be forever. Also, think of those drone spots where someone doesn't like that you formatted the date as YYYY/MM/DD and demands that you change it to Julian Date or something. Or calls you weekly regarding a milestone that cannot be met. Or, makes you hire the seventh most qualified person because. Those are costs that keep on costing.
They are not forcing you to resign by fiat. They are enticing you to resign. I don't like the global, unmanaged aspect of this - but, perhaps the Gubmint has just gotten so bloated that nobody knows nothing. Remember, the civilian workforce doubled since 2008.
If you take this before retirement have your TSP pushed into a self-directed IRA or into your new 401(k). If you live in Greenland and telework do the same and look for a new job with those 8 months of paychecks coming in. If you are a DEI policy making director do the same. If you are nearing retirement consider retiring a bit earlier. Everybody has to think this through. The crappy thing is that we have to make a decision by next Thursday - which sucks. I've dropped an email to my Financial Advisor.