Buster's Account Talk

Nice Consolidation today..actually perfect for a huge green day tomorrow...Talking about the S fund that is:)
Nice Consolidation today..actually perfect for a huge green day tomorrow...Talking about the S fund that is:)

Consolidation appears to continue.

I somehow expected a fairly huge "sell off" today follow by a slight downturn - but nothing outstanding at this point so hopefully things will continue in a positive direction.

It's strange because the MB is so focused on the day to day and any downplay (even if it's a slight consolidation) seems to throw many in a Bear Anxiety mode.

If you're in S Fund - I would say "Stay in the Boat and Keep Afloat" as long as you don't sell you don't lose. When a true Bull Market emerges this will take the lead.
Buster, if you chew a few chicletts that will solve your problem - no more irritation and minimal flatulence.
did you see that black HEMI challenger at (never win:D) i mean River Wind
sure hope my wife wins the car Aug 31st never hurts to dream :nuts:

S Fund beat the nearest competitor by twice the gains.

Volume today was probably the best in months - with good upturn at the end.

If indeed a "BULL MARKET" is emerging S Fund will undoubtedly take the lead.

Excellent day - "here's a toast to well planned investments". :D

S Fund beat the nearest competitor by twice the gains.

Volume today was probably the best in months - with good upturn at the end.

If indeed a "BULL MARKET" is emerging S Fund will undoubtedly take the lead.

Excellent day - "here's a toast to well planned investments". :D
Thank you My friend..same to you..there is a beautiful sunset to this market today, S for Sun that is;)
The S fund is only taking back some of the losses experienced on 7/24 -$0.51 and 8/4 -$0.37 so considering all gains are about even with the C fund. I don't think one will see outperformance of the S fund during this bull cycle as we move higher. But that's only one bulls opinion.
The way I think of it is the "C" and the "S" PLAY TAG YOU'RE IT!! Now the "S" Fund is IT, and I'm stuck 65C, 35S, but that's OK!!:rolleyes:
Well, you can thank JP Morgan/Chase for the todays downs

JP Morgan Chase was the "big name" bank - least affected by the mortgage crisis. That is why they were held at gun point and forced to buy out Bear Stearns.

All large Financial Institutions are acknowledging greater losses in the 3rd Quarter compared to the 2nd Quarter. The situation will not be reversed anytime soon and that's been widely addressed by most of the bigger name people. Most 'that really have a handle on the situation' expect this to drag out into 2009.

JP Morgan Chase was by far the most protected bank involved and did not get overly caught up in this mess.
Nice analysis L2R. You're right on the money as usual. Would you be interested in a job saving our floundering financial instituins. Sounds like you've got the good sense for it..

BR is just another member of the Ole Boy's Club..We need some new blood to set things right (someone who likes to read for example)..:D:D:D

Nice analysis L2R. You're right on the money as usual. Would you be interested in a job saving our floundering financial instituins. Sounds like you've got the good sense for it..

BR is just another member of the Ole Boy's Club..We need some new blood to set things right (someone who likes to read for example)..:D:D:D

LOL! Thanks for the kind words FS! I've learned so much from everyone here on the MB, it just takes a little sense to put it all together. Many of you are much better at it than I am.:D
She's a BRITE LIGHT here, right on top of everything, has to be a quick study. Doctor A. Reader!!:rolleyes:
AWWWW thanks guys, but please stop now. I greatly admire each and every one of you, too. I can't express how much.:)
Buster, my hero,

I'm just amazed at how your investment is rising above the others.

Today looks like yesterday...and I'm just in awe at your Market savvy.

Well good night you outstanding hunk of a man,

The MB Ladies