Bquat's Account Talk

Brought back the red line and the F flag idea with afternoon sell off: :blink:


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Well since my charting isn't working, I will do some Cooperate Economics:
ECON 101 C
Cooperations were given write-offs against taxes for reinvesting, modernization, and expansion to remain in the USA. The main purpose was to make it economical to hire Americans at the higher labor rate and still provide a good profit margin. This also was an effort to stop the migration of US cooperations from moving their headquarters overseas. So, if they have to pay the 15% tax anyway why not move to a country with a cheaper labor base.
ECON 102 M& CA
So this will help Mexico and Central America, right? In the past it would have done exactly like in the 70's but now not at all. Paying for workers protection and company property protection to gangs and corrupt local officials has taken away the profit margin. So, off to Asian Pasific and South America or just get China to produce your product for you.

Well, there you go. Companies will exit United States and you will see unemployment increase like when car manufacturers left Detroit. Enough for now. Do you agree? :nuts:
Well since my charting isn't working, I will do some Cooperate Economics:
ECON 101 C
Cooperations were given write-offs against taxes for reinvesting, modernization, and expansion to remain in the USA. The main purpose was to make it economical to hire Americans at the higher labor rate and still provide a good profit margin. This also was an effort to stop the migration of US cooperations from moving their headquarters overseas. So, if they have to pay the 15% tax anyway why not move to a country with a cheaper labor base.
ECON 102 M& CA
So this will help Mexico and Central America, right? In the past it would have done exactly like in the 70's but now not at all. Paying for workers protection and company property protection to gangs and corrupt local officials has taken away the profit margin. So, off to Asian Pasific and South America or just get China to produce your product for you.

Well, there you go. Companies will exit United States and you will see unemployment increase like when car manufacturers left Detroit. Enough for now. Do you agree? :nuts:

Nice write-up. Cooperate Economics not my strong point by a looooong shot....LOL
This probably isn't even relevant because I have no idea what I'm talking about concerning this subject.....but:
We're already having massive layoffs (Tesla, Walmart, etc), so that already will contribute to unemployment on top of what it already is.
If you produce it here (in the United States), then you can sell it here and avoid supply chain nightmares. If you produce it overseas, then you have that​ to deal with. Why make it elsewhere only to have your product stuck in port for months on end?
Sorry.... I wish I had a more thought provoking, educated response. At least I tried. Need more coffee .....:boggled:
I can't fight the news of more money being pumped into stimulus by Congress. Even the Fed isn't going to meet until next month. What's that all about? No one cares who's going to pay. :sick: Chart:


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No one cares who's going to pay. :sick: Chart:

We're all going to pay. The legal American Citizen who works hard and pays their Taxes as required, THATS who's going to pay. And the ones steering the ship and implementing this know full well who's going to pay and they don't give a dam about it. They do not care about you. Never did. Very sad indeed. :(

Shotting Star reversal pattern: :worried: But in this market who knows? Only the Shadow knows. :nuts:


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Going to be a big pop this morning because consumer price remains 8.5 %
3.0% already and may be peaking. Will we double top or what? ​As always we'll see after deadline: :blink:


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