Bottom Feeders on the tracker

My allocations go into equities. In this pullback there are some great buying opportunites. Just hold fast we will go back up and those fresh shares are going to feather your retirement nest. Next time maybe youllsell at the right time like JTH! ha ha
My allocations go into equities. In this pullback there are some great buying opportunites. Just hold fast we will go back up and those fresh shares are going to feather your retirement nest. Next time maybe youllsell at the right time like JTH! ha ha

I really thought about going to G on May 31st. But decided to wait out the week. A -7% later still hanging around the S fund.:notrust:
Believe me if I had gotten out at the optimal time I would be in the top ten today. Even so my latest contributions would be buying shares but sitting with 10% and waiting is what id rather done. Can't bail now that would be mistake# 2.