BobsBillions' Account Talk


New member
I'd always thought that the S Fund is basically a NASDAQ Index fund. However, I notice that from the 9 Feb close through the 8 Mar close, the NASDAQ is UP about 1.5% while my S Fund balance is DOWN about 0.7%. Is the NASDAQ not a good indicator of the S Fund, is this just an anomaly, or might there be a problem with the S Fund valuation?

Thanks in advance for your help...
I think the RUT (Russell 2000) is a better indicator of the "S" Fund.
Welcome to the Message Board, stick around.
Best of luck
I'd always thought that the S Fund is basically a NASDAQ Index fund. However, I notice that from the 9 Feb close through the 8 Mar close, the NASDAQ is UP about 1.5% while my S Fund balance is DOWN about 0.7%. Is the NASDAQ not a good indicator of the S Fund, is this just an anomaly, or might there be a problem with the S Fund valuation?

Thanks in advance for your help...

The S fund is not based on the NASDAQ or the Russell 2k, it is based on the smallest 4500 of the 5000 stocks, not included in the S&P 500; hence the Wilshire Completion Index (W4500) is used as a proxy.

Click on the S fund graph at the bottom of the page to get an idea, or check out the TSP website and it describes how all the funds are built.

But only daily or weekly, no intra-day.
Yeah, but you can select your desired Start and Stop dates if you like, so it is available not counting preMarkets. I also would like more selections like 1 hour 30 min etc. If you pay you get more.
OK, I'm kind of a newbie in the IFT world - been basically a buy & hold 40C/30%S/30%I investor. But now it seems we're getting more market volatility, are right this minute at the top of the S&P trading range. Good morning in the S&P and NASDAQ. I'm thinking the smart/safe move is to sell, move to G(?), and wait for the next correction of 3-5% to buy back in. Any thoughts on this plan from the smart people?
OK, I'm kind of a newbie in the IFT world - been basically a buy & hold 40C/30%S/30%I investor. But now it seems we're getting more market volatility, are right this minute at the top of the S&P trading range. Good morning in the S&P and NASDAQ. I'm thinking the smart/safe move is to sell, move to G(?), and wait for the next correction of 3-5% to buy back in. Any thoughts on this plan from the smart people?

Don't claim to be one of the smart folks although there are many here who qualify for that designation. Your plan is the same one most of us here shoot for. Two things -timing is everything! and the market can make fools of us all no matter how smart we are! Good luck!