Well, probably shouldn't have, but I have been watching from the cheap seats for a few months now (G arage). Work is busy and a little vacation time with the family is making it difficult to watch the markets like I want to. This market definitely has me scared. At this point in time is to see if the holiday can give me a little bounce. Not real bullish on my move, I actually am only playing 50% S and 50% F. Not for sure why I went F, thinking that if the market went against me, I may offset it with F. But if the market decides to go my way of thinking (which it probably won't) than being in F will hurt me on my gain. It was a quick decision as I was making my IFT with mintues to spare before the cutoff. :blink:
At this point, my fear level is going up like most people I read. That also sometimes helps, Commonn folks get scared and the Big Boys make money. We'll see....
Good Luck Everyone! and play with CAUTION, thats my 2 cents at this point!
Blindman Out!
50S, 50F........
At this point, my fear level is going up like most people I read. That also sometimes helps, Commonn folks get scared and the Big Boys make money. We'll see....
Good Luck Everyone! and play with CAUTION, thats my 2 cents at this point!
Blindman Out!
50S, 50F........