I am still not sure if I get your set up as of yet.
In the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday set up currently, are you showing on Monday that you were going to IFT on Monday from I to G for Tuesday?
Then on Tuesday, from G to I for Wednesday?
I just need to get this simplified better for my brain cells is all.
Thanks for any help.
10DEC2007......MONDAY.......I = from G to I (only when I am in G)
11DEC2007......TUESDAY......G = from I to G
12DEC2007......WEDNESDAY..I = from G to I
All that effective at the end of those days. I thought it was easier for me to program it that way, then just go to and request the IFTs it tells me. No interpretation needed. I just go to, and ask to transfer 100% to I on December 10, before 11AM. Hope it helps, though with all this fuss about transfer limits, I think I need to come up with a different strategy. Meanwhile, enjoy the ride.