benitocj's Account Talk

I am still not sure if I get your set up as of yet.

In the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday set up currently, are you showing on Monday that you were going to IFT on Monday from I to G for Tuesday?

Then on Tuesday, from G to I for Wednesday?

I just need to get this simplified better for my brain cells is all. :D

Thanks for any help.

10DEC2007......MONDAY.......I = from G to I (only when I am in G)
11DEC2007......TUESDAY......G = from I to G
12DEC2007......WEDNESDAY..I = from G to I

All that effective at the end of those days. I thought it was easier for me to program it that way, then just go to and request the IFTs it tells me. No interpretation needed. I just go to, and ask to transfer 100% to I on December 10, before 11AM. Hope it helps, though with all this fuss about transfer limits, I think I need to come up with a different strategy. Meanwhile, enjoy the ride.
10DEC2007......MONDAY.......I = from G to I (only when I am in G)
11DEC2007......TUESDAY......G = from I to G
12DEC2007......WEDNESDAY..I = from G to I

All that effective at the end of those days. I thought it was easier for me to program it that way, then just go to and request the IFTs it tells me. No interpretation needed. I just go to, and ask to transfer 100% to I on December 10, before 11AM. Hope it helps, though with all this fuss about transfer limits, I think I need to come up with a different strategy. Meanwhile, enjoy the ride.

Ok, think I have it, maybe. LOL

Had to chase down some runaway brain cells lastnight, and bring them back in sync. LOL

Are you only working with G & I Fund with this?

So, Yesterday, Wednesday, shows I Fund. That would mean you would have likely did an IFT Wednesday to the I Fund to be in I Fund for Thursday?

Did I pass or fail the test here? LOL

Thanks again.
Are you only working with G & I Fund with this?
Yes - actually I am just working with the I (and moving out to G when I think I may go down - not very successfull lately).

So, Yesterday, Wednesday, shows I Fund. That would mean you would have likely did an IFT Wednesday to the I Fund to be in I Fund for Thursday?

Yes, you got that right.

Looked at how the system performed since I began using it, though I didn't follow it 100%, but here is what it would have returned:

MODEL I - FUNDOCT(15-31)3.16%2.21%NOV-2.24%-3.72%DEC(1-11)1.79%-0.63%
meant to edit it, but ran out of time :)

.................MODEL....I - FUND
DATE________DAY_______IFT (68%)

Kind of kicking myself for not following my own system this last week. Hit rate for YTD 68%.

IFTs due on dates posted for (i.e Tuesday IFT to I-fund to be in the I -fund on Wednesday).

Following my model would have resulted in a 1.88% return for MDT, and a 2.74% since I programmed it (Oct 15), but since I didn't always follow it I ended up going down with the I-fund. Lesson learned :).

Going to be on vacation untill next year, so I will not be posting untill I come back.
Happy Holidays everyone.