BamaAF's Account Talk

Today would be a good day to move some I fund to C and S fund. I fund should end the day up...C and S down. Or if you got in I fund last week at below $20, today would be a good day to lock in those profits by moving to G fund. I expect the market to drop the rest of the week with the holiday Monday - then a pop at the beginning of the week.
Today would be a good day to move some I fund to C and S fund. I fund should end the day up...C and S down. Or if you got in I fund last week at below $20, today would be a good day to lock in those profits by moving to G fund. I expect the market to drop the rest of the week with the holiday Monday - then a pop at the beginning of the week.

You're probably right; however, hoping for the I to continue down today and bounce a little for a couple of days (although makes more sense for it to be higher today). Will either lose a little or gain a little, don't plan on being in pool long enough to wrinkle my fingers, and then back to G.
Dang -- I have jury duty today, won't be able to get to a computer -- what luck.

I need to make a decision in next 30 minutes and push the button.

Currently sitting 50/50 C&I -- leaning on going 50 G and 25/25 C/I COB today -- then depending on tomorrow let it ride or move all to G.

Sure would like to make the decision about 10:45 central!
Moving from 50/50 C&I to 50/25/25 G/C/I COB today --

Don't have luxery of watching market today -- may be wishing I went all back to G after tomorrow, as this could be the last good time to get out; or could be a good run this week, who knows.
Leaning on leaving my 25% in I and 25% in C (50% already in G)

Already used both bullets this month -- only place to go is G...

Again, thinking about letting it stay and see what happens Monday --
Anyone thinking about using this as an escape, or are most thinking about riding a little farther??????
If the market closed right now I would be back up just under half of what I lost yesterday -- But I look for a later afternoon drop.. Hope I am wrong.
If the market closed right now I would be back up just under half of what I lost yesterday -- But I look for a later afternoon drop.. Hope I am wrong.

Nice to be wrong in this case! Got back a little more than half of yesterdays loss.

If it looks positive tomorrow it may be the exit I've been looking for.

Even though I recovered MORE than half of previous days losses in C and I in percentage, I recived about 1/4th of value....

Go figure...
With today looking like a down day or sideways at best, anyone remotely thinking we bounce tomorrow and/or possibly Monday?

I was thinking about a quick jump in -- hoping we would get a good bounce up to at least 1200 in C -- but since last nights vote didn't seem to push market, I am too skeeered!
With today looking like a down day or sideways at best, anyone remotely thinking we bounce tomorrow and/or possibly Monday?

I was thinking about a quick jump in -- hoping we would get a good bounce up to at least 1200 in C -- but since last nights vote didn't seem to push market, I am too skeeered!

Been tossing that one around myself. I am kind of leaning towards tomorrow --making the jump-- but who knows what is going to happen. I'm am going to watch the market a little longer before I decide.
Been tossing that one around myself. I am kind of leaning towards tomorrow --making the jump-- but who knows what is going to happen. I'm am going to watch the market a little longer before I decide.

I Can't do it today -- maybe tomorrow
Whoa -- take it that the S chart below is out of whack -- scared me though

At the moment it is diving and the House Passed the Bill.

This will be hugely disappointing if things don't spring up. I doubt Paulson had a change to free the toxic stuff up yet.

Friend, it's hard to say; but it may be a long road ahead.
I think the market now realizes playing the upside in anticipation is fun until you remember there's still going to be a hangover cause you drank so much.
Hedge funds are still trying to lighten up on some of their holdings - when they are done we will rally. We could easily take back the loss of yesterday.