AutoTracker Issue


Well-known member
Just noticed - yesterday my return for the year had me at 9.25%. I'm 100% S, which means I lost 2.16% on the day. That should have me at 7.09% for the year, but today the AT shows me at 6.88%. That's a loss of 2.37% on the day. Anybody else seeing funny math with their returns today?
To get a total return, you wouldn't add or subtract the daily returns.

For example: If you had a $100,000 account, and you made 100% one day and lost 50% the next, you wouldn't have gained 50%, but instead you would be at 0%. You would have $200,000 after day 1 (+100%) and then you would have $100,0000 after day 2 (-50%).

Here is the actual math our spreadsheets use... (100*(1+(old total %))*(1+(new daily %))-100)/100

I hope this helps. If not, let me know.
Oh man. Flashbacks to high school math class. Thanks - I'll try to wrap my head around that later. :embarrest: