Asian News

No matter where the dollar wanders,you will make money in I Fund in the long run.Even though China and Japan dislike each other,the one thing that does not get in the way of them doing business,is something as trivial as that.China is presently full of Japanese engineering firms and this will continue for the next 20 years,then China will ask them to leave.The same applies to South Korea and even Tawain.Theres Gold in those hills men,and the I fund is our tool.
Here is a question-

Currently, Japan's Nikkei, and London's FSTE, combined, make up almost half the value of the "I" fund.

How are the countries selected- i.e. now that China in particular, and Asia in general, are becoming so much more a part of the world economy, how will that be refelcted in the future in an investment vehicle available to TSP holders? How is the percentage from each world exchange brought into the "I" fund selection of stocks?
By the way- Nikkei dow 60points on the first hour of trade monday, but dollar also lower. About a wash right now. (sunday 9 pm edt).
Here is what "I" contained in dec, 2004:

Country Weights
As of 12/31/04
United Kingdom 25.21%
Japan 21.98%
France 9.46%
Germany 7.17%
Switzerland 7.02%
Australia 4.93%
Netherlands 4.88%
Spain 4.21%
Italy 3.56%
Sweden 2.58%
Hong Kong 1.48%
Finland 1.44%
Belgium 1.37%
Ireland 0.89%
Singapore 0.83%
Denmark 0.80%
Norway 0.64%
Greece 0.58%
Austria 0.37%
Portugal 0.37%
New Zealand 0.26%
Unassigned 0.00%

One would think that the monster economies of China and India would get at least a little representation....or are there prohibitions on foreign ownership of stocks that would prevent those two economies from participating?