Anyone interested

Just thought of an idea to "enhance" the development of these indicators. Pardon me if someone has already said this but we could "compete" with multiple strategies. Anyone reading the subforum could review the different strategies and see how they compared.(I think Motley fool does this or at least they used to do this.) Part of the requirement for competition would be that the strategy would have to be publicly defined based on some type of logic and/or indicators and criteria that can be measured (even if it is the full moon).

This sounds like a good idea, although its not really a competition as much as it is startegies informing other strategies. The sub-forum is set up for anyone to post progress of their anaytical decision making tools, not necessarily the community one that I am starting. Take advantage of the traffic and the knowledge these forums bring!

The subforum would be a great place for individual run threads similar to the account talk threads in the "Member Allocation Talk" where their decision making tools are discussed, refined, and worked. People can contribute with the community one when they want to or have the time, and can also post updates to their personal tools in their individual threads. Its definately not an exclusionary process.