Another Newbie looking for help

Welcome to the Forum FTA,

Take your time until you figure out some kind of system. Watch allot of CNBC and see how the news affects the markets. You would be surprised that when you think the markets are going to have a bad day it turns out the opposite.

This is the best Hobby that I have. I Love being my own Economist. :)
And hit the`reply' button, say `thank you' and give a big salute to the first ten who speak to you - Use the Preview button to check to be sure you haven't slipped in something too serious for the clowns on the mb, and then, bingo - Send. You will be on your way to Your Own Account so WE will know where to find you ...! :D
(Home page, 2nd column - read Tom's and the blogs - check them each time you sign in........)
Welcome fta123.

You'll find lots of folks here with ideas, but what you finally end up doing it strictly up to you. It has to do with YOUR risk tolerance, time frames, and what you are comfortable with.

Here's a good thread to start reading- it will take a little while, but I recommend it to new folks-

Don't be in a hurry to jump in to stocks in any particular allocation, until you are comfortable with making the move because it makes sense to you.

Will you always be right? Nope. None of us are either. Sometimes you get the bear, and sometimes the bear gets you.

But hopefully you'll learn enough along the way to make your own decisions based on your own read of the markets.

Again, welcome, and good luck.
You might want to go to the TSPTALK home page and sign up for the Automated Tracker Software. There you will see where everyone else has their allocations. Don't look at mine - I will be near the botom probably after tonight :(. When you make your changes at the TSP.GOV web page, you should always update your allocations at the Automated Tracker Software pagewithin TSPTALK, Aslo - read everyone's posts, there's a lot of good information being put out, but of course you will have to make your own decisions.


New member
Hello all
This is my first day in the forum and I would like to find some information on how to go about to decide to which fund I should put my money into it. Any help would be appreaciated specially if you can break it down to dummy level :-).

Thank you all and looking forward to learn more about the TSP