

Thanks. Got lots of questions trying to understand all the market information put out. Don't spend lots of time doing research. Looking at the wealth of information available here and other places, there's a lot to digest and sort through.

It would be nice to get a handle on the basics and go from there. Any help on what the "basics" are would be nice. There's lots of information regarding daily averages and trends. Any hints on where to go for good basic foundations??



I joined the end of January 2007 and looking to get more information on investing. I've been investing for the last 8-9 years while I've only been investing in TSP for about the last 5 years. I've done well with a buy/hold mentality but looking for more information to see if daily trading with my TSP could reap future rewards.

I'm invested with 5%-G, 20%-C, 30%-S, and 45%-I. My account is about $30K and am military so no matching funds so far. It's worked well over the past year or so with above average returns. I look forward to learning more and helping out where I can.

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