AircrewChief's Account Talk


New member
Hello, everyone. My name is Brandon and this will be my Account Talk page. I'm active duty USN, and as my username suggests, I am an aircrewman and Chief Petty Officer, currently stationed in rainy Whidbey Island, Washington with my wife and two children. I have been active duty for 12 years and have been faithfully putting away at least 10% of my pay since boot camp. For the most part, I have stuck to the L-Funds and made my moves based upon news reports. After a very good 2013 and realizing that my current TSP balance represented more money than I earn in an entire year, I figured it was time that I start to learn more about the market. So a few weeks ago I bought a few basic books on investing and began learning more.

I started with Ben Graham's book, The Intelligent Investor, and despite being more than 50 years old, found it to be a fascinating resource that I continue to reach for. I'm slowly learning to read charts and do my own primitive analysis, with the intent of investing beyond the TSP this year.

I am more than open to any feedback or suggestions of ways to further my knowledge. I've been silently stalking this message board for several months, so I figured it was time to introduce myself. I look forward to sharing my investing journey with all of you.
BTW, I am currently allocated at 50% C Fund, 50% I Fund, with 1 IFT remaining for the month. Despite the very recent losses in the I Fund, Ukraine, and sharp decline in Chinese exports, the profit potential remains high. I am considering pulling the trigger and going 100% I Fund, with the intent of making a scramble back to G if the "fit hits the shan".
sharp decline in Chinese exports.

I didn't think many people paid attention to the International Goods and Services report. Do not forget that is a seasonal figure heavily impacted by the Chinese new year. Basically chinese exports / imports get low around this time of year due to it. Think of it like how we celebrate Christmas in the States. Production declines for a solid week, which is why it really throws off a month's numbers.
Do not forget that is a seasonal figure heavily impacted by the Chinese new year. Basically chinese exports / imports get low around this time of year due to it. Think of it like how we celebrate Christmas in the States. Production declines for a solid week, which is why it really throws off a month's numbers.

Reading China February exports tumble unexpectedly, heighten slowdown fears | Reuters, I got the impression that this was not seasonal, but a comparison of this time last year. I don't think a 1.6% drop is anything to throw too much alarm, just something worth tracking.
So after a Fine February with a nifty 5.25% TSP profit, Maddening March has thus far brought me a loss of -1.46%. Three consecutive days of losses in both the S and I Fund have me wondering if I am trying to catch a falling knife. There is certainly some concern over China and Ukraine in the international markets, but the American markets may be simply facing a pullback. I'll be thinking it over this afternoon.
Hello, everyone. My name is Brandon and this will be my Account Talk page. I'm active duty USN, and as my username suggests, I am an aircrewman and Chief Petty Officer, currently stationed in rainy Whidbey Island, Washington with my wife and two children. I have been active duty for 12 years and have been faithfully putting away at least 10% of my pay since boot camp. For the most part, I have stuck to the L-Funds and made my moves based upon news reports. After a very good 2013 and realizing that my current TSP balance represented more money than I earn in an entire year, I figured it was time that I start to learn more about the market. So a few weeks ago I bought a few basic books on investing and began learning more.

I started with Ben Graham's book, The Intelligent Investor, and despite being more than 50 years old, found it to be a fascinating resource that I continue to reach for. I'm slowly learning to read charts and do my own primitive analysis, with the intent of investing beyond the TSP this year.

I am more than open to any feedback or suggestions of ways to further my knowledge. I've been silently stalking this message board for several months, so I figured it was time to introduce myself. I look forward to sharing my investing journey with all of you.

Welcome aboard Chief. Sounds like you have the right frame of mind for making money. This is a great place to learn. Good luck.
So after a Fine February with a nifty 5.25% TSP profit, Maddening March has thus far brought me a loss of -1.46%. Three consecutive days of losses in both the S and I Fund have me wondering if I am trying to catch a falling knife. There is certainly some concern over China and Ukraine in the international markets, but the American markets may be simply facing a pullback. I'll be thinking it over this afternoon.
Welcome, AircrewChief! It's hard to believe that it's already been more than 3 years since I've been posting on this forum. I didn't know the difference between a bull or bear market when I first started, so it's great you're reading up. I remember JTH posted a chart in my account thread early on, and I thought it was a screenshot from a video game or something. LOL. Just for the record, "catch a falling knife" is what you would say when you are not in stocks (when you're in G or F funds), and you decide to do an Interfund Transfer (IFT) into one of the stock funds (C, S, or I) while they are falling/losing value. That's what I'm debating about doing right now, as a matter of fact. In your situation, you are already in stocks (one of the L funds?), so you need to decide whether to wear "sticky pants" - ride out the downside action in order to take full advantage of the next bounce - or go to the "lily pad" - our word for the G fund when you want to wait for lower prices. I can't tell you what to do. Maybe Birchtree can. (He tells everyone to buy buy buy & hold - not necessarily bad advice)

Good luck!
Just for the record, "catch a falling knife" is what you would say when you are not in stocks (when you're in G or F funds), and you decide to do an Interfund Transfer (IFT) into one of the stock funds (C, S, or I) while they are falling/losing value.

I understand. I meant going full I Fund, which, I was considering.

I'm still not saying "sticky pants" under any circumstances. The imagery is just too horrible.